What foods are allowed on Board an aircraft? The rules for the food in your hand Luggage are not always clear, so that every traveler should be informed in advance. Who the thoughts that the not only in children, beloved Nutella is considered a liquid and for the usual jar with 400 grams of the safety control of Terminus?

When you travel abroad, are in addition, important information on export and import of food. This has quite serious grounds, as on food viruses and bacteria into the country.

What food are generally allowed Luggage on hand?

allows Clearly on Board an aircraft liquid food from the home lubricated sausage sandwich to the Tupperware container is not food-peeled carrots as a travel. Certain things should be omitted out of consideration for the passengers. Who likes to sit in a haze, if the neighbor spills at once a strong garlic-smelling potato salad, or a well-seasoned Salami?

hand baggage rules of the airlines for the dimensions and GewichtDie carriage of liquids on Board

The carriage of liquids is regulated for safety reasons. As a General rule: liquids must be in containers with a filling volume of a maximum of 100 ml in a sealable, transparent container carried.

The total amount of liquids may not exceed one Liter. The rules include, among others, care products such as Shampoos, hand creams and body lotion, as well as drinks. The half-full bottle of water, or the food imaginary coke can be confiscated at security control as well confiscated to the flask and the home-mixed Smoothies and soups in a thermos.

These foods are considered a liquid

classified as A tip, if you have no desire for the high prices in the shopping area behind the control: you are permitted to take an empty bottle with you to fill these behind the controls with tap water.

Trouble, there is a regular semi-liquid food, because many of the passengers is not clear that this will be dealt with on the safety control as liquid food. These include:

jam, nut-nougat-cream, honey cream cheese, spreadable sausage such as liver sausage

In the UK the confiscation of the popular bread aufstrichs Marmite by the way, on a regular basis for such a Trouble that, at least, passengers at London City Airport will now receive a free small 70-grams-glasses, if you at the security check, the normal size has been attached or detached.

special regulations for baby food and medicines

range on long flights, can’t do without parents, to liquid baby food. This may be easily taken (the presence of the baby is sufficient proof of its necessity), but must be separately shown.

medications are also allowed, but it may happen that you are required to submit a medical certificate. You take this so for safety’s sake (in case of travel abroad, in addition to English). Note: Here it is again, as in the case of food, that everything is not really fixed, is treated as a liquid. Including gels and lotions, for example, in the Tube.

import and export of food products

Not only is the staff at the security control can adorn your food confiscated. Also, the customs may possibly strike. This is done primarily to protect domestic animal and plant world. A particularly restrictive view of island States such as Australia and new Zealand who want to protect their unique Fauna and Flora, and any entry to the strictly control act. In new Zealand passengers can be subject to a fine in the amount of 400 new Zealand dollars when in your hand Luggage, an Apple is found.

Souvenirs from your vacation: What is allowed and what is not?

some of the curious rules exist: In the USA, the importation of surprise eggs, for example, is prohibited. A fine is not payable, but you would be better off without it, to buy the offspring from the long flight, several surprise eggs to Take in a Duty-free Shop. Please inform yourself about the import regulations of the destination country before you take a trip.

in order for your gift to prepare for the return to Germany, no Trouble, have a read of the import rules for food of the German customs. Are prohibited, for example, larger quantities of animal products such as meat, eggs, milk and milk products. Are you unsure about certain products, take advantage of the customs offered App best before you purchase. FOCUS Online credit card comparison the best credit cards for abroad

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