Feat Oleg Mishka: what were the questions

History 30/12/19 Feat Oleg Mishka: what were the questions

based On the novel “Young guard”, owned by Peru’s Alexander Fadeev, Soviet youth “learning to live”, and the way opposing the Germans Komsomolets Olega Koshevogo, romanticized in the movie, troubled hearts of young girls. However, there is evidence that the fate of the real Mishka was absolutely not what he told the writer.

Classic version

the novel describes the real youth underground organization “Young guard” that existed in the city of Krasnodon during the Nazi occupation.

Oleg Koshevoy is derived in the text as one of the main characters. According to the official version of history, at the time of his death in 1943, he was 16 years old. Mishka began to live in Krasnodon with her mother and grandmother from 1940 to the parents ‘ divorce in 1937, he was living with his father in the nearby town of Anthracite.

In the novel, Fadeev presented by Oleg Koshevogo Commissioner of the “Young guard”. In fact, he was part of the headquarters of the organization, which led the underground struggle against the occupation, committed acts of sabotage and distributing leaflets. The Commissioner was Victor Tretiakevich for a long time erroneously considered a traitor.

Mishka fell into the hands of the Germans in January 1943 while attempting to cross the front, and after being tortured (he gouged out his eyes), was shot in the woods near the town Rovenky 9 Feb. Through the week these places were liberated by the red Army. After about the actions of the young learned the whole country, Mishka fall of 1943 received the title of Hero of the Soviet Union posthumously. His mother Elena Koshevaya using literary editor wrote the book “the Story of son”, published in 1947, where he spoke about the life of Oleg from birth to death.

Article Wolin

Lived a long life after the death of the son of Elena Koshevaya died in 1987, and after 4 years, the actress Margarita Volin publishedLa in the newspaper Kuranty article titled “Who mourned the mother Mishka”. The artist, in the first years after the war, the speakers in Luhansk, claimed that in Krasnodon about the exploits of the “Young guard” told very differently than in “official” sources.

– we Have none, answered her in Ukrainian language the inhabitants of the city, when she asked them about Oleg Koshevoy.

Finally, the actress unsuccessfully looking for house-Museum of Kosh, met the mother of another Molodogvardeytsev – Sergey tyulenin. Seeds sold on the market the woman invited Wolin to his home and told his version of the events, criticizing the writer Alexander Fadeev distortion of reality.

According to Oleksandra Tylennol (in the retelling of Margaret Wolin), Oleg Koshevoy has died and was buried. That day, when the red army recovered the bodies of the young from the mass graves, Elena Koshevaya supposedly “identified” his son in the white man, who eventually was buried under the name of Oleg Koshevogo with real members of the organization. As believed tyulenin, Elena Koshevaya was the “young and the cultural” of the mothers, so Fadeev and believed that 16-year-old boy could turn gray under torture.

the article also mentions the testimony of eyewitnesses that Oleg Koshevoy few years later allegedly returned to his mother, who was in conversation with the neighbors gave him warmed “the orphan from Odessa”. From Krasnodon on this occasion was sent to the Commission, which the young man of the house at Koshev not found. According to Oleksandra Tulenina, glory, secured to her by the Roman Fadeev, Elena made Koshevoy to renounce living son. Margaret Volin considered that, if the rumor about the “resurrection” Mishka were true, then living by Oleg prefer “clean” power so as not to obscure version of the well known propaganda of the novel.

Modern appraisals

the Obvious discrepancy between the descriptions of the activities of the “Young guard” in maturing the Fadeev novel and real life was bothered by researchers and journalists and after 1991. So, in 1993 the newspaper “Luganskaya Pravda” published a letter Oleksandra Tylennol Leonide Brezhnev, in which she accused Koshevoy libel on the real Commissioner’s underground Viktor Tretyakevich. And in 1997 in the journal “New world” was quoted post-war Memorandum to Stalin from the Minister of state security Viktor Abakumov, in which it is noted that Elena Koshevaya in the activities of the “Young guard” was not involved, and instead collaborated with the Germans. Home “mother hero” lived officers of the Wehrmacht.

According to rumors, mussirovanie in Krasnodon after the war, Oleg Koshevoy left with the retreating German troops. Actor Vladimir Ivanov, looks very similar to Mishka and played him in the film, 1948, testified that in the 1950-ies seen in the KGB pictures of “himself” in a fascist form, which was taken for a photo montage. It is possible that it was real pictures of Mishka. Thus, the version that Mishka survived and was even a collaborator, have several indirect confirmations.

At the same time there are those who uphold the truth to the generally accepted version. For example, on the website molodguard.ru it is the opinion of brother survivors participating in the “Young Guard” Nina Ivantsova, who called the article Wolin “sacrilege.”

Because of the investigation in the case of the “Young guard” was classified, and some of them may originally have been fabricated under a myth created by Fadeev, the truth about those events is unlikely to ever be known.

Kristina Rudich

© Russian Seven

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