(Montreal) The government of the Coalition avenir Québec supported, Thursday morning, a motion asking it to “maintain the entirety of the current mission of the CLSCs” in its new reform of the health system. This motion tabled the day before by Québec solidaire was adopted without opposition.
A total of 102 MPs present at the Blue Room supported the motion asking “that the National Assembly recognize that the fundamental mission of CLSC local community service centers includes the provision of services to the local population according to their needs in their living environment, at school, at work or at home”.
It also mentions “that the National Assembly asks the government to maintain the entirety of the current mission of CLSCs in Bill 15, in particular, population responsibility. »
This motion was tabled on Wednesday by the spokesperson for Quebec solidaire in matters of Health, Vincent Marissal. The latter said he feared that the CAQ would put “the last nail in the CLSC model”.
The deputy for Rosemont denounced the abandonment of the concept of “mission” in the PL15. The Minister of Health, Christian Dubé, proposes in his reform to abandon the concepts of “centres” and the missions entrusted to them to adopt an approach by “services” which must be given to users.
Thus, according to the reform, the future state corporation called Santé Québec could abolish all “centres”, including CLSCs, CHSLDs or hospital centers, provided that services to the population are maintained.
On Wednesday, Minister Dubé tried to reassure the supportive MP by saying he wanted to “solidify” the CLSCs. He argued that Mr. Marissal’s reading was an error of perception.
The Minister insisted on the government’s desire to offer network managers more flexibility in the organization of services within their establishments.
In a press release, Vincent Marissal welcomed the massive support behind his motion. He reiterated that “CLSCs are pillars in all our regions”.
Calling the network a “proven” model, the MP promised to “watch the grain to ensure that the Minister’s commitment materializes in the bill”.