"Boa": what new pistol will replace the legendary PM

Weapons 28/12/19 RIA Novosti / Vitaliy Belousov”Boa”: what new pistol will replace the legendary PM

a Number of authoritative sources claim that the issue of “Boa” designed to replace the “old” PM should be resolved in the near future.

the Latest news about it.

5 January 2019, one of the most reputable online publications in Russia “Fontanka.ru” reported, citing other sources, that the gun “Boa” was recommended to be adopted for service in the armed forces. According to RBC, the gun “Boa” was tested on the ground of the Ministry of defence of the Russian Federation in two military districts. The weapon has proved its efficiency in the temperature range from +50 to -70C.

how is it different from a “Makarov”

according to “Kommersant”, the “Boa” 50-meter firing range (other sources say about 100 meters) and the store 18 rounds. PM the shop holds 9 rounds, the caliber of them with the “Boa” are the same – But of 9.27 mm. cartridge “Boa” longer than the PM at 3 mm.
According to the newspaper “Version” weigh “Boa” will be 850 grams (40 grams more than the equipment, “Makarov”). Russian arms believe that this advantage is not critical. However, it is emphasized domestic “Boa” more powerful than the U.S. “Colt”, more weighty and bulky than our counterpart.
Sources “Version” claim “Boa” incorporates all the best performance characteristics of a self-loading pistol (ATP) Peter Serdyukov: the future of personal weapons Russian military designed pistol cartridge 9х21 mm sighting range – up to 100 m. According to preliminary data (while complete data on the “Boa” is kept secret), this distance is not a barrier to the bullets of the new gun fired a 4-mm Kevlar, steel or titanium plates of armor.
Publishing “Version”, citing sources in the defense Ministry, said that “Boa” will be able to use ammunition of a different caliber. And it provides devices to install red dot sight (“light”) sight and flashlight.

the history of the “Boa”

the Press service klimovskii TSNIITOCHMASH (Moscow) — the company that created “Boa”, reports that the gun of the new generation have been developed over the two years. The developer confirms in the design of the “Boa” was used for developments of SPS (“Gyurza”). “Gyurza” is popular in the departments of special services, Regardie and the Ministry of defense, but it is believed that “Boa” should surpass it.

Nicholas Syromyatnikov

© Russian Seven

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