proposed In the debate on the new basic pension for old-age poverty threatened the elderly, the German trade Union Federation (DGB) has an alternative model. DGB Board member Annelie colorful Bach has suggested that a pension variation to minimum pay points.

“A basic pension, as in the coalition agreement is announced, would be associated with a lot of bureaucracy. That would be much too simplistic if we are to combat the threat of poverty in old age is really effective,” said Buntenbach. According to calculations by the trade unions would only benefit about 130,000 people.

Union and SPD had agreed in its coalition contract, that the new basic pension should be ten percent on the basic security and 35 years of contributions must be demonstrated. Recognized also raising children or caring activities. However, it has been agreed by the coalition that first checks to see whether potential recipients are in need of interior and recipients of basic pension, this also really.

colorful Bach therefore called for a non-bureaucratic appreciation of low pensions. This could be enhanced up to a certain limit. Appropriate arrangements were already in the past.

Rentenversicherung criticized the practicality of the coalition requirements

had been conducted by The Federal Ministry of social Affairs had informed on Saturday to the question of how a pension can be implemented, that a Federal-state social partner dialogue. To this, the Federal States, the municipal associations, which was attended by social partners and the German Federal pension insurance. As the next steps for a draft law should look like, left the Ministry. The Minister of labour had announced that in the first half of the year, with a workable proposal to present.

The German pension insurance had already been raised in November, the practicality of the coalition targets in question. From there, it was said, “that, in particular, the identification of individual needs and neediness can only be done directly at the local level, since often the personal contact with stakeholders is required”. The pension providers could not do this without building a huge new bureaucracy.

Already in the past and the preceding parliamentary term, Minister of social Affairs had failed on the inside with similar concepts: Ursula of the Leyen (CDU) with the live performance of pension and Andrea Nahles (SPD) and the solidarity pension.