Ash, storm and other secret codes of the Soviet cosmonauts

History 30/01/20 Ash, storm and other secret codes of the Soviet cosmonauts

Probably many of you know the call sign of Soviet cosmonauts: for example, Yuri Gagarin was such Kedr, and Valentina Tereshkova – “the Seagull”. However, were the conquerors of space and other code words. And for each flight its developed a secret system.

the Secrecy and the danger

the Space program of the Soviet Union has always been shrouded in secrecy. The secrecy, writes in his book Alexander Bezzubtsev-Kondakov “Why did this happen? Technological disaster in Russia,” particularly referred to the various emergency situations that could occur during flights, as well as accidents and death of the astronauts. That is why, according to Bezzubtsev-Kondakov, ordinary citizens of the USSR domestic space seemed triumphant and serene. However, such views had nothing to do with reality. Scientists were well aware that the orbit can happen anything, so each flight was developed a special code system.

a Similar system has been created for the first cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin. Thus, in the case of an emergency, Gagarin had to switch from automatic to manual control of the ship. But to do it he could, just by typing the secret code. It is noteworthy that, according to Vyacheslav Klimentov, the author of the book “Gagarin. The amazing story of the first flight”, the code didn’t even Yury Gagarin himself. The number 125 was written on the paper sheet sealed in an envelope and attached to the inner skin of a spacecraft near an armchair astronaut. However, there is a version of that before leaving code Yuri Alexeevich still reported.

emergency situation

the occurrence of any emergency situations Yuri Gagarin, as his followers, was obliged to report to the control center. However, the problem could still occur on earth. So, if believe Alexander Zheleznyakov, author of the book “secret rocket disasters,” in the summer of 1960 the ship on Board of which were two dogs, exploded, barely looking up from the launch pad. Meanwhile, the Gagarin was in the ejection seat, in a similar situation, had a chance for salvation. If at launch pad events began to unfold according to script, Yuri had to tell the secret word. According to Yury Mozzarina who wrote the book “Road to space”, as a code was chosen, the word “Ivanhoe”.

in General, code words were often intended for unforeseen circumstances. According to the memoirs of the author of the books “the Female face of the cosmos” Valentina Ponomareva, who at the time was a backup the first woman-cosmonaut Valentina Tereshkova, on all sorts of problems on the ship was supposed to report code typically Botanical: “Dahlia”, “oak”, “elm”. However, the word “Rowan” during the flight Tereshkova meant that the astronaut is suffering from nausea. Other space explorers used to refer to nausea and other conditions and situations with their own code systems.

the Cosmic confusion

it is Known that in the lexicon of the cosmonaut of “Soyuz-1” Vladimir Komarov, who died in 1967, many of the code words is generally irrelevant to the flora of had. Komarov last words that I heard in the mission control Centre were: “took the team – “Crash-2″”. According to Yuri Zaitsev’s book “the Difficult path to space,” code “Crash-2” does not assume the tragedy, and only talked about the fact that the landing was supposed to go with some overloads. In a similar mode landing “the East” and “Sunrise”. Brake the engine on the “Union” worked fine, and the unit moved on a descent trajectory towards the Earth. Possibly the most disturbing code was developed for greater privacy.

meanwhile, it happened that confused not only spies, but also the leaders of the mission. If you believe Anton Pervushin, author of the book “First into spaceE. a step into the unknown”, during the flight, Pavel Popovich code indicating bad health of the astronaut and the request for early planting, the word “thunderstorm”. At some point, Popovich said from orbit: “See the storm”. Then Pavel Romanovich really watched out the window the storm over the Gulf of Mexico. However, the designer Sergei Korolev, the eponymous natural phenomenon in calculation did not accept, thinking that Popovich is bad, ordered: “to Put it immediately!”. The misunderstanding was resolved by itself: the authorization to extend the flight, Pavel Popovich is not received for a different reason.

Yulia Popova

© Russian Seven

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