Agent "Kalistrat": how the Soviet intelligence officer allowed the Cuban missile crisis

History 24/01/20 Agent “Kalistrat”: how the Soviet intelligence officer allowed the Cuban missile crisis

the facts of the biography of one of the key Russian intelligence announced TASS. It turns out, the efforts of officer of the foreign intelligence service (SVR), GRU Alexander Feklisov was averted in the early 1960-ies of the Cuban missile crisis.

He “unblocked” Cuba

For the anniversary of the late Hero of Russia Alexander Feklisov news Agency TASS published details of the biography of the scout. Feklisov worked for Soviet intelligence since the early 40-ies. In the 60s he acted in America under the alias Fomin.

the Historian of the foreign intelligence service and a veteran of the SVR, Vladimir Antonov, wrote that Fomin has extracted the most important information (the details are still not declassified), contributed to the lifting of the American blockade of Cuba. In 1996, the 82-year-old veteran of the RAF was awarded the title of Hero of Russia. Karibskie crisis, according to the memoirs daughter Feklisova recorded Antonov, was settled as a Soviet spy: Feklisov-Fomin talked with the journalist of ABC (“Hey-Bi-si”), John Scully and gave information about the withdrawal of Soviet missiles from Cuba. Antonov writes that the publication of this information mitigated the severity of the conflict between the USSR and the West. Told how her daughter Feklisova, father in conversation with an American journalist has described the prospects for a “relaxation of relations” between America and the Soviet Union in connection with the delivery of nuclear missiles to Cuba. About this Scully immediately reported to the White house.

“Simple bamboo”

Feklisov told me that he was in America established contact with the Soviet Union. Shtatovskie skyscrapers were not allowed to ensure a proper quality of the broadcast. Feklisov went to the store and bought bamboo poles, sold for athletes jumping height. Six-meter antenna at Feklisov worked until 1942, while the Americans did not ping on the radio. Scout was forced to change roles. But after decryption “Kalistrat” (call this felisovo appropriated in 1942) was able to convey in the USSR, the drawings of the American radar that determines the speed and trajectory of Hitler’s rockets “FAU-2”. In addition, using the extracted information by Feklistovym Soviet aircraft received information about the us jet fighter Lockheed prototypes of radio controlled fuses – a fundamentally important aspect in raketonositelej.

What I learned “Kalistrat”

Alexander Feklisov in an interview with Vladimir Antonov said that at the time, fished from a German nuclear physicist Klaus the secret of the hydrogen bomb. Feklisov in the KGB began working in the late 30-ies of the last century. He graduated from the special school for the training of personnel for foreign intelligence. Feklisov was sent to work in America, where he was already at the end of 1941.

After the war

In the early 50-ies of Feklisov worked in the UK, led the British residency. At this time it is through recruited agent “Charles” (Klaus Fuchs) produced for the Soviet Union secret information on the development of nuclear weapons the United States and Britain.

the British arrested him as a spy, and Alexander Feklisov almost 10 years, to 1959, he sat in a British prison. Agent “Charles” after the exposure has been imprisoned for the same period.

In the 60-ies Feklisova again sent to the United States, where he acted as the main negotiator for the terms of the withdrawal of missiles from Cuba. As a result, the Americans removed their installations from Turkey. And then began the official negotiations between Khrushchev and Kennedy.

… It was the most remarkable episode in the biography of Soviet spy. Later, he taught at the Soviet Academy of foreign intelligence, in 1974 he retired. He published two books of memoirs. Died Alexander Feklisov in 2007.

Nicholas Syromyatnikov

© Russian Seven

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