3 the most famous thief in law who fought at the front

Crime 13/11/19 Basil Григин3 the most famous thief in law, who fought on the front

Along with numerous rights and powers of the title of thief in law carries with it great responsibility. Representative of the criminal elite can not cooperate with the official authorities, it should not carry out the orders and instructions of the security forces. Despite this limitation, some thieves-in-law fought bravely on the fronts of the great Patriotic war were awarded orders and medals for numerous exploits. What happened to them after the victory?

In his book “Soldiers of the great war. In life and on screen,” doctor of historical Sciences Yuri Rubtsov writes that in 1941-1945 in the ranks of the red Army were called to more than 1 million people serving sentences in penal colonies and labor camps of the USSR. In a specially created penal battalions were only 10% of the ex-prisoners, and the rest fought in regular military units.

the Idea is to send criminals to their death under a barrage of enemy fire, is not new. So did almost all armies in the world. But the war gave the criminals and political prisoners the chance to gain freedom. After all, fighters who distinguished themselves at the front, filmed the previous record.

But after 9 may 1945 peace came, and “lawyers” had to answer to the criminal community that they carried out the orders of red commanders, contrary to the established rules.

“the Bitch” – so people otsidevshie in the rear, while others shed their blood for their Homeland, became known as thieves-front. To tolerate such an attitude, the order bearer of the great Patriotic could not. The war started between them and “proper” thieves. She was very fierce on both sides. The soldiers enjoyed the support of the authorities: the police and camp administration considered them trustworthy men, embarked on the path of correction.

However, in the book “The sketches of the criminal world” publicist and writer Varlam Shalamov was of the opinion that world did visited her thieves more cruel to kill people for them has become much easier than before.

the Legendary kingpin Cherkas (aka Anatoly Cherkasov) was born in 1924. From a young age, hunted thefts, and then moved on to looting. Soon caught. To 20 years he has already managed to spend five years. Could continue to serve his sentence, but after the battle of Stalingrad have realized that I will not forgive myself for inaction, while the whole country is fighting against the Nazi invaders.

Cherkas ended up in a penal battalion, where the odds of dying were very high, because ex-prisoners were sent on the most dangerous missions. But you’re not shy of being a ten, a thief showed in the fight with the enemy with such bravery that he was awarded the order of Glory and was transferred to a regular military unit. There is a red army man Anatoly Cherkasov also showed itself from its best side. He finished the war as a cavalier of two orders of Glory, for having the courage of a soldier also awarded five medals.

But in 1946, the illustrious soldier was caught stealing in his native Rostov. He broke a stool on the head of the operative, talking to them disrespectfully. Got a term for it. It is not excluded that Cherkas attacked a police officer deliberately, because I started a Bitch war, and “lawyer” wanted to be on the bunks to help other thieves-veterans in the struggle with the “right” authorities.

being Able to rally a lot of supporters, Cherkas turned the tide, in fact, thieves deciding the outcome of war in favor of those who were called “spun”. However, the split of the criminal world of the Soviet Union significantly reduced the number of criminal authorities, which the authorities were only too happy.

In the late 40’s-early 50-ies of the thieves ‘ meeting in Rostov, Odessa, Novocherkassk withdrew all claims to the veterans.

That Anatoly Cherkasov suggested criminal authorities to proceed with banal robberies to class less risky and more profitable: protection of speculators and tsehovikov worth extra police for cover. Held in 1970 in Kiev, the meeting was memorable for its participants Cherkas phrase: “Garbage dirty linen in public will not tolerate…” Thieves have supported the protection of guilders, so Anatoly Cherkasov sometimes called the “father of racketeering”.

When he died and where he is buried is not known. Some sources suggest that the legendary thief-in-law passed away in 1979, while others indicate a later time – or even 1990 and 1996. But all agree on one thing – Cherkas died a natural death.

During the Bitch war one of the brightest associates Cherkas was the kingpin Salavar (aka Vasily Pivovarov). Before the great Patriotic reputable this man controlled the entire territory of Odessa, through which by sea to our country was a large party of contraband goods.

the face of the Nazi threat, Salavar also at the time left his thieving principles. Fought in a penal battalion, and celebrated the victory with the rank of captain in the office of the commander of scouts.

However, positive opinions about Salvare adhered to not all. So, the Russian gold mining Vadim Tumanov in his autobiographical book, “losing Everything and to start again with the dreams…” he shared his memories about the stay in Kolyma. The author calls Pivovarova ruthless bandit who suppressed the authority of the “right” of thieves, moving from a group of thugs from camp to camp.

All the crimes the offender went with it, because he enjoyed the support of law enforcement. Salavar with his friends killed the criminal authorities, who considered bitches all the thieves at the front. So he “cleaned up” Vorkuta, Norilsk and Kolyma camps. However, die a natural death Vasily Pivovarov failed. He was stabbed to death in Karaganda in the 1950’s.

kingpin Kutuzov (aka Vasily Grigin) also fought bravely at the fronts of the great Patriotic war. In 1945, being promoted to Sergeant, got sAlotau star of Hero of the Soviet Union for personal courage shown during the crossing of the Danube river. Then to Basil Grigio and stuck his nickname because during the crossing the Sergeant lost an eye.

Criminal career Kutuzov began after the war. He first appeared in prison in 1947, for hooliganism. Then there were nine sentences, and “Walker” behind barbed wire. The latter happened when the thief has already exceeded 60.

In 1962, Basil was crowned. As “looking”, he received the Altai Krai. Interestingly, the “legalist” Kutuzov was only after the state authorities deprived him of the title of Hero of the Soviet Union for all the crimes committed.

In 1991 the thief, who was over 70 years old, entered the fray with the young bandits, outlaws, violating the laws of the criminal world. From received knife wounds Kutuzov died.

That was such a difficult post-war fate of thieves, who heroically fought against the Nazi invaders.

Origanum Tanatarova

© Russian Seven

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