The daily almost three million passengers, the Berliner Verkehrsbetriebe (BVG) must for the time being, expect strikes: The tariff dispute is resolved. The Union ver.di and the Municipal employers ‘ Association agreed in the night to Friday to ensure that the employees of Germany’s largest municipal public transport companies, with retroactive effect to 1. January eight per cent get more money, but at least 350 euros per month. They had been on strike in recent weeks, three times, most recently on Monday.

increases The Christmas bonus is around 200 euros to 1,600 euros. Many of the activities are to be classified also in higher wage groups. The total package will cost the BVG € 102 million per year. Ver.di-negotiator Jeremy Arndt spoke of a significant step forward in the nationwide comparison.

had managed To “very difficult negotiation” at the talks “a breakthrough”, stated both sides. Thus, strikes were averted, and other restrictions for passengers have been avoided.

LPP-Executive Board Dirk Schulte said it was a “one-time” completion. The collective result of the exemplary commitment of the employees and send a positive message to future Applicants.

The BVG will operate the city buses, trams and subways of the capital and transport every day, about 2.9 million passengers. Was heard over the cloak – and-pay-scale agreement for a total of 14,500 employees of the BVG and its subsidiary, Berlin Transport. The new fee agreement is valid until the end of 2020.