The EU-Canada trade disputes agreed arbitration court is a legal expert of the European court of justice (ECJ), according to legal. The free trade agreement between the EU and Canada agreed mechanism for the settlement of investor disputes to be compatible with EU law, said in a published legal opinion of the ECJ advocate General, Yves Bot.

Belgium in doubt as to the Conformity of the agreement with the law of the Union, and to the highest European court turned. Bots recommendation is non-binding, the judges follow the direction of impact, but most of the time.

The arbitration agreement was also in the German Public controversial. The EU and Canada agreed on the so-called Ceta agreement in the fall of 2016. The free trade agreement to reduce trade barriers between the EU and Canada. So, for example, customs duties for industrial products between the two should be abolished regions to a large extent. The goods trade volume was in the year of the financial statements, in the case of 64 billion euros. Europe is after the USA the second largest trading partner of Canada.