Aviation security staff are on strike for more pay At the airports Düsseldorf, Cologne/Bonn and Stuttgart held day-long strike of the security personnel. Passengers must expect flight cancellations and delays. © Photo: Oliver Berg/dpa

travelers have suffered due to a full-day warning Strikes of security personnel at German airports have a considerable impact. At the Airports of Stuttgart, Düsseldorf and Köln/Bonn with more than half of the flights. In total were cancelled until the Morning 643 of 1,054 Links, alone, in Düsseldorf, 370 were of 580 flights. In normal operation, passengers have been expected at the three airports would be about 115,000 to pass.

shortly after midnight, the warning strike at the airport Cologne/Bonn to Chaos at the controls, through the normally freight on the airport grounds will be brought, said a spokesman for the Union ver.di. There had been a backlog of up to the highway. In contrast to other airports in Cologne/Bonn is not a ban on night flights. At night, the Airport is particularly as a hub for the cargo plane of DHL, UPS and FedEx are important. Also, it relates to the warning strike.

but The situation is overall quite relaxed, because the Airlines cancelled in advance of flights and their passengers would be informed, said the airport operator. However there must be throughout the course of a day, with further disruption expected. The Lufthansa subsidiary, Eurowings, which had announced a special flight schedule.

on Monday, a four-hour warning strike of the security staff had placed the air traffic at the Berlin Airports Tegel and Schönefeld temporarily lame. The strike readiness of the employees is very high, said the ver.di – speaker.

Ver.di calls for a single payment of 20 Euro per hour

The Union wants to increase the Strikes in the wage dispute to wage increases for the security guards to the pressure. The reasons for the renewed call for a strike that the employer had not presented a negotiation offer for the approximately 23,000 employees.

Ver.di calls for the inspectors of passengers, freight, Goods and airport employees, a nationwide unified payment of 20 euros per hour. That would be a Plus in the high two-digit percentage range. So far, the payment varies depending on the Region and activity. The employers offer, according to its own representation of up to 6.4 percent more pay. For ver.di this is too little, according to the calculation of the trade-Union that would be only about two percent more for the majority of the employees.