Pope Francis Urges Jesuit Educators to Prioritize Holistic Education Centered on Jesus

Pope Francis recently met with the International Commission on the Apostolate of Education of the Society of Jesus (ICAJE) in the Vatican and emphasized the importance of prioritizing holistic education centered on Jesus. He thanked the educators for their work in Jesuit schools and other associated schools, highlighting the immense evangelizing potential that education holds.

Keeping Jesus at the Heart of Jesuit Education

During the meeting, Pope Francis stressed the significance of integrating the Gospel into the curriculum and activities of Jesuit schools. He praised the commitment of Jesuits to fostering an environment where young people can engage with the teachings of Jesus and contribute to the common good. The Pope also highlighted the new Global Compact on Education, which aims to shift the focus of education from personal success to the collective well-being of humanity.

Educating Through Example and Building a Positive Future

Pope Francis underscored the importance of educators embodying the values they wish to impart to their students. He called on Jesuit educators to ensure that their formation programs help teachers discover their potential and deep calling to accompany others, particularly those on the margins of society. The Pope expressed optimism about the impact of a renewed global educational pact, emphasizing the need for a hopeful future built on shared responsibilities and common goals. He concluded by highlighting the long-term nature of education, emphasizing the importance of patience, perseverance, and love in the educational process.