After criticism of a German group of pulmonary doctors of the limit values for nitrogen oxide, has the Federal Minister of transport, Andreas Scheuer of the EU Commission, to check the values. As the Bild newspaper reported, references Scheuer on the “ensuing discussion”. The justification of “in the context of the programme for the Clean air measures taken” will be questioned.

The Doctors had questioned last week, the fine dust and nitrogen oxide limits. For the current limits, it will give your tests to no scientific justification. With this criticism, the doctors have raised the question of how health-hazardous air pollution by oxides of nitrogen actually is. Many colleagues and international Doctors disagreed with this view.

Scheuer, it is consider according to the media report, to “ensure that our mobility” as a matter of urgency, the European Commission brought in a suitable manner with the pre-Doubt apart and a “re-evaluation of the limits checks”.

Scheuer requested to be presented to the peer of the debate as a whole “based on true facts and accepted scientific methods verse”. He wanted the subject at the latest at the EU Council of transport Ministers on 6. June pick up.

Numerous German cities are above the limit values

From a recent balance sheet of the Federal Environment Agency shows that the EU limit value was exceeded in 2018, in at least 35 cities. To 28 more cities, the data are not yet available. The nitrogen exhaust gases from diesel and is the reason for diesel driving bans.

Overall, has decreased the air pollution by diesel exhaust, however, an average of about two micrograms per cubic meter. Since 2010 binding NO2 limit in the EU is 40 micrograms per cubic meter of air, annual average. The highest burden of Stuttgart has 71 micrograms per cubic metre, followed by Munich with 66 micro-grams.