In the AfD, one scandal follows the next – and is now driving away voters. According to a new survey, fewer and fewer Germans want to vote for the right-wing party.

According to a new Insa opinion trend in “Bild”, the AfD can maintain its score of 17 percent in the Sunday question about the federal election, but according to the survey it loses one in four potential new voters. Only six percent can theoretically imagine voting for the AfD – previously it was eight percent.

The numbers are part of a series of setbacks: Since January, the AfD has slipped six points in the Sunday question. And among the “safe voters” the right lost four points. Currently only 13 percent definitely want to vote for the AfD.

It also became clear at the weekend that the expectations and reality of the right-wing party currently do not match. Many within the AfD had expected a breakthrough in local elections, European elections and the state elections in the east. Right winger Björn Höcke’s AfD strengthened its position in Thuringia’s local parliaments at the weekend, but failed to win the district council and mayoral elections at the first attempt. Instead, it boils down to a duel with the CDU in the runoff elections on June 9th in several districts. Both parties were also neck-and-neck when it came to voting shares in the district councils and city councils.

For the survey, Insa interviewed a total of 2,004 citizens from May 24th to 27th, 2024.