(Chisinau) Moldovan President Maia Sandu wants to join the European Union (EU) by 2030, “only chance” to build a country protected from threats from the Kremlin, which she has again accused of wanting to overthrow the government .

“In 2030, Moldova must be a member of the EU, take this chance to be part of the European family with the same rights,” the head of state told a plenary session of parliament in Chisinau.

Endowed with candidate status since June 2022, this former Soviet republic neighboring Ukraine “has chosen the European path”.

“How long is it going to take us?” It’s all up to us,” she added, as the government struggles to implement needed reforms after years of Russian rule.

“Moldova has just come out of captivity,” the 50-year-old president said, lashing out at “traitors, thieves and oligarchs.”

And this country of 2.6 million people now says it is the victim of a “hybrid war”, with misinformation and orchestrated anti-government protests.

At the initiative of the rallies that regularly shake the capital, is the party of the pro-Russian oligarch Ilan Shor, on the run since 2019.

Suspected of having found refuge in Israel, in his native country, he was sanctioned in October 2022 by Washington for corruption and interference for the benefit of Russia.

“The Shor party has been invested by the Kremlin and the Russian security services (FSB) with a clear mission: to drag Moldova into war”, judged Maia Sandu, accusing him of wanting to “overthrow the current administration” .

The United States also accuses Moscow of “seeking to weaken the government of Moldova”, with the aim of installing a government committed to its cause.

Russia, for its part, denies any destabilization project, denouncing claims “absolutely unfounded and without proof”.

“From the Kremlin comes only threats and blackmail. This is where war, suffering and poverty come from. The EU is our only chance to build a country where citizens can decide their destiny,” concluded the Moldovan President.