A few weeks before the European elections, the AfD is clearly losing favor with voters. This is shown by a current survey by the opinion research institute Insa on behalf of t-online.

The AfD is still in second place with 17 percent approval among the German population, but has suffered a decline of two percent compared to April. The difference is even clearer compared to the Insa survey last February: At that time, the AfD was still at 22 percent.

The Union continues to be in the lead with 29 percent, the SPD has 15.5 percent. The Greens are gaining ground and are in fourth place with 13 percent. This is an increase of a total of 2.5 percentage points since February and 1.5 percentage points since April.

The Alliance Sahra Wagenknecht (BSW) party, which was only founded in January, was also able to slightly improve its result in the Insa survey. With a total of seven percent approval, the BSW came in fifth place. Both the Left and the FDP are only at four percent in the May survey. The Liberals lose one percentage point compared to April, the Left maintains its result from the previous month.

Poll numbers