Audi in Ingolstadt, Germany can build up to the start of the week, no cars. On Monday and Tuesday, a few Thousand cars of series A3, A4, A5 and Q2 could not be built, the bands were at a complete standstill, said a company spokesman. More than 10,000 Employees must take a compulsory break. The reason for the production stoppage, a strike in the Hungarian engine plant in Győr, the engines are missing, which are installed in Germany.

The employees at the Audi site in Győr, were entered on Thursday in a week-long strike and are demanding an 18 percent increase in wages, which corresponds to an approximation of the wages to the level of Audi employees in Western and Central Europe. The IG Metall in Bavaria supported the strike and said that the Hungarian employees received an average of 1,100 euros gross per month, the cost of living in Hungary, were comparable with those in Western Europe.

The of the strike impact affected the German Audi-the employees of the group writes according to its own figures, 40 percent of downtime on your time account. If on Wednesday, the production can be resumed, however, still unclear. The suspension of the negotiations in Hungary.

First of all, only Ingolstadt

The plant in Neckarsulm in Baden-Württemberg according to the car group is not affected currently, there are sufficient engines were up to the middle of the week. Also in Brussels, where the fully electric Audi e-tron is built, the course of the production currently.

Győr-be petrol-, Diesel – and, more recently, also the electric motors to be built – not only for Audi but also for other brands of the VW group.