We erroneously use “at the level of” as a catch-all phrase to say “with respect to” something. This job is criticized.

The equivalents to replace this expression are numerous: about, about, in the field of, from the point of view of, with regard to, in matters of, with regard to, in terms of, etc

Often, one can also simply use prepositions such as à (au), chez, dans, par or pour, which will lighten the sentence.

He had heart surgery (not heart surgery). This matter will be considered by the committee (and not at the committee level). For the employees, this announcement is catastrophic. Among the employees, the reaction was quick. Changes are to be feared with regard to the schedule (and not at the level of the schedule).

New public health measures will be put in place. The situation still leaves something to be desired with regard to hospitalizations. In this area, the news is encouraging. Russia has shown weaknesses when it comes to command organization.

The expression at the level of is used well to say that something is “up to”, both literally and figuratively. The computer screen should be at eye level. These appointments are decided at the level of the highest authorities. This decision must be taken at the level of the army chiefs.

But one could also very well write, to simplify: This decision must be taken by the leaders of the army.

The phrase “on the plane of” is common, but it is the construction on the plane of that should be used. Economic success involves certain risks. Logically, this reasoning is valid.

My question concerns the use of the words dependent and depending. We hear them a lot in the sense of according to. Is it correct ?

The prepositive phrase depends on, still commonly used in Quebec, is considered familiar (but not independently of, curiously). It would therefore be avoided in a press article, which must be in standard language – with the exception of chronicles, which can use all language registers -, to be preferred according to, according to or according to.

The case of the expression dependent on (or dependent if) is a bit different. It is an impropriety in this sense, a copy of the English depending on and depending on whether. We wouldn’t use it at all. It would be replaced, according to the context, by according to, if, according to, according to or according to. Depending on the weather, if the weather is nice…