Donald Trump is considering a possible advisory role for Elon Musk if he is re-elected. This alliance marks a change of course in the relationship between the two men.

An unusual alliance is emerging on the horizon of the US presidential election: According to a report in the Wall Street Journal, candidate and Donald Trump – from businessman to media star to US president”>Former President Donald Trump is considering hiring Tesla, Space X, women, children – that’s Elon Musk”>tech billionaire Elon Musk as an advisor if he is re-elected. The two men, whose relationship was once strained, have had several phone conversations a month since March.

In recent months, Musk and Trump have met at the estate of billionaire Nelson Peltz, according to the Wall Street Journal. There they discussed various political issues, including immigration policy, which Musk has been talking about more recently. Musk wrote in March on X, formerly Twitter: “America will fall if it tries to absorb the world.”

Although Musk has announced that he will not donate to any presidential campaign this election, he told Trump, according to the Wall Street Journal, that he wants to host events to dissuade wealthy and influential allies from supporting Joe Biden in November.

This marks a 180-degree turn in the relationship between the two men. As the Guardian reports, they had exchanged insults in 2022. At a campaign rally, Trump called Musk “another shitty artist.” Musk, on the other hand, told Trump in a tweet to “hang up his hat and sail off into the sunset.”

Elon Musk’s political views have taken a drastic turn – to the right, as “The Independent” reports. Musk, who previously portrayed himself as a political moderate, is now openly expressing his support for the Republican Party, such as in May 2023 on X: “The Democrats have become the party of division and hatred, which is why I can no longer support them and will vote Republican.”

On X, Musk is seen engaging in friendly exchanges with far-right activists who are promoting 2020 election fraud and hate speech against minorities, according to The Independent. Trans people in particular are regularly the focus of his own tirades on X, but Musk’s statements and conspiracy theories have also brought him accusations of anti-Semitism, the Guardian reports.

According to the New York Times, Elon Musk’s recent political involvement shows a willingness to tip the political balance. Thanks to his reach of over 184 million followers, he could have a significant impact on the election results.

Voluntary departure instead of deportation: The federal government is relying on financial incentives for migrants who return to their home country. But the system is apparently being exploited.

A German army soldier was apparently threatened in Berlin because of two pro-Israel patches on his backpack. The man posted this on X. In Berlin, it has become life-threatening for Israel supporters, he says – even for a soldier like him with a “weightlifter’s stature.”