Contents page 1 — rent, pension down — page 2-small-apartment the area of highly competitive On a page

read up About later, you don’t think so. Although Brigitte Weber plans or else very much and very deliberate. But the Old age is in this town, hard, the suspects Weber. She’s close to 50, has nearly 20 years until retirement, and is very different in reality. You don’t want to be his real name in the media, two things that make her Worry: she is an employee in the pharmaceutical industry and earned well, but not excessively. If everything runs smoothly, gets about 1,000 Euro pension, says the pension decision. That’s about as much as you paid now for your two-room-apartment in Munich. And the Rent will rise in the next 20 years. Will you be able to afford this city, in which she has lived for 20 years, as a Pensioner?

Many citizens would have to ask this question, especially in the big cities, Matthias Günther: “Germany is an old residential problem. The development will make a majority of seniors to create households in Germany,” warns of the Board of Directors of the Pestel-Institute in Hannover. The Institute was founded by the former lower Saxony Minister of science, Eduard Pestel, and has specialized in the creation of scenarios for the housing market. His latest scenario looks like this: Because the pensions will shrink in the future, housing costs will rise, however, would have to actually move to mass imprisonment seniors in smaller flats. “But that’s what there are far too few”, says the Economist, Günther. And, above all, there is even less senior disabled apartments, nationwide, only 700.000. About three million age-appropriate apartments were missing for the foreseeable future, the Pestel-Institut. Came to this number, the Institute of German economy (IW) in his studies. Günther says: “Germany to see controls eye on the gray housing shortage.”

The German Federal Statistical office has projected that by the year 2035, considerably more people are over 65 years old: about 24 million citizens. The six million more pensioners would be as now, because the baby-boomers in retirement. In addition, many are working not 45 years continuously, or because of temporary contracts and precarious Jobs is hardly a private pre-have, says the Economist, Günther. This includes wage earners and Minimum wage earners come from low. “But even for academics, it is difficult, if you have only started with 30 in the profession, and some years were engaged part-time”, says Günther.

half of housing benefit recipients are seniors

It will give a lot more pensioners, where the money is hardly enough to Live, warns the Pestel-Institute: “Currently, three percent of the retirees get basic protection from the state. In the next 20 years this proportion will increase to 25 to 35 percent. It is financially tight, especially the Living.” A similar result is found in a meta-study by the Institute for building research, for the 2014 various research works have been evaluated: “The costs of opposing the development of income and residential, as well as additional costs for service and maintenance in the long term, lead to a deterioration of the life situation of the older population.” And now pensioners according to official Figures, around half of housing benefit recipients. 271.000 seniors get paid by the state in section 104 euros so that your rent money is enough. It is much more retirees would have a claim, but many do not know or are afraid of shame, to say going to the office, and Economists.

not only the great poverty in old age, but also the seniors-housing shortage Threatens to be so in the future? The real estate economist Ralph Henger by the Institute of German economy (IW) it looks not so gloomy: “The Rent increase, but we see in the Figures that existing rents are far slower to rise than the Neumieten. And the Older people no longer pull Yes.” In fact, German retirees have according to surveys, a huge holding force: One-third of the pensioners ‘ lives, therefore, since about 30 years in his apartment. A further third 30 to 50 years and one in Ten even longer. “Two-thirds of all apartments offered by private landlords, and the least of them to increase the rent in existing contracts, they often do it only when a change of tenant. Therefore, the residential exposure rates have risen overall,” says Henger, “but not so dramatically.”

In section, shows a survey by TNS Emnid, today’s big-city retirees 630 Euro for rent. Nationwide, the proportion is, the house hold on the net for Live application, 25 to 31 percent, according to the Federal Statistical office, by 2016. In large cities the rate is higher, and the lower the income is applicable especially to pensioners, the more likely the rate is more than 40 percent. Unproblematic, the high Rents are not so already.

in Addition, the rapidly increasing Neumieten are definitely a Problem for the housing market, says Henger, because they lead to the Lock-in effect, as Economists call the phenomenon A Munich pensioner who pays because of his old lease 630 Euro for a 120-square meter apartment in Schwabing, will hardly move, if, today, each 30-square-meter Apartment in the suburbs costs as much and two of the rooms are to get homes under 1,000 euros. Also Brigitte Weber will not give up its 70 square meters – more than half of the currently offered a 50-square-meter apartments cost now about 1,300 Euro a cold. That is about 1,500 euros warm.