(Quebec) Bonuses paid to nurses and other healthcare workers will not finally end on March 30. The Legault government extends them at least until June.

The President of the Treasury Board, Sonia LeBel, made the announcement in a press release on Monday. These salary premiums can vary from 2% to 4%, depending on shifts and job categories, for example. They were to end when the collective agreements expire this week.

However, the government is extending them until June. The situation will then be reassessed, “according to the progress of the ongoing negotiations”.

Sonia LeBel also says she is improving her offer to state employees with wage increases for workers earning less than $52,000 a year to “help them cope with inflation”. These increases are not quantified for the moment.

There is also a promise of a salary increase for technicians and professional resources at the start of their career “in particular to counter staff turnover”.

Sonia LeBel finally proposes an “unprecedented program of voluntary retention” of five years. “It would allow a considerable increase in the retirement pension and a significant reduction in the contribution for experienced staff who would like to continue working full time in order to lend a hand to the networks”, she pleads. Details of this program are unknown at this time.