Federal Minister Peter Altmaier (CDU), has called for an upper limit for social security contributions in the basic law. “We need to respect the magic mark of 40 percent,” said Altmaier, the star. Therefore, should be written in a brake in the coming years, the rate of social contributions is similar to the fault in the basic law, to maintain the competitiveness in Germany.

The proportion of social insurance, the employer and the employee pay half each, currently amounts to 39.7 per cent from the gross wage. The current amount of the levy Altmaier holds for an upper limit. You’ll exceeded, lost jobs, because “less is invested, or because it’s not worthwhile to replace people with machines,” he said.

The SPD had decided on the weekend, a concept for a Reform of the welfare state. Above all, the party called for a rejection of Hartz IV and the introduction of a citizen money. Politicians of the CDU and CSU have responded with criticism.