Federal Minister of labour, Hubertus Heil (SPD), in order to proceed with a law against maladministration in package carriers. The Newspapers of the editorial network in Germany, Heil said: “I am willing to accept the development in Parts of the package industry.” The working conditions for package couriers and messengers he described as “shameful”.

The proposed law should in the future ensure that sub-contractors pay social contributions for their employees. This would guarantee fair competition and social security and the working conditions improve, said the Minister.

In Detail, the so-called sub-contractors of liability on the package industry to expand. Many parcel services the outsourcing of their activities to subcontractors, the work, in part, to lower prices or poorer working conditions. In the future, the actual Customer should ensure that the Subfirmen adhere to labour law Standards. If this is not done, it should be made the commissioning company can be held liable. A subcontractor handles, for example, the social insurance obligation, should, in the future, should the commissioning company at the end of the posts. In the construction industry, where the subcontractor’s liability since 2002 it has been made with this model, good experience, said healing.

The trade Union ver.di salvation is in favour of projects of law. The head of the Union, Frank Bsirske, had spoken of “mafia-like structures” in the package industry. He had krisiert that package services company dedicated to instruct, in turn, other companies, which then put people from Eastern Europe in their delivery vehicles. The workers would not know their rights, or at least out of fear of job loss not demand.

“anyone Who outsources work, remains the responsibility.”

Bsirskes statement, the companies pay hourly wages between € 4.50 and € 6, the working hours cheat 12, or even 16 hours per day. The Deputy ver.di-Chairman Andrea Kocsis called for decisive Action. A subcontractor’s liability for social security contributions, following the principle: “Who outsources work, remains the responsibility.”

Several large package services delivery speak to the allegations. The Association of parcel & Express logistics, said, the contractual partners of the company were obliged to pay the minimum wage and working time recording. The package delivery service Hermes can according to their own information of all the service partners contractually ensure that they “fully comply with legal requirements – in particular, the obligation to pay the statutory minimum wage–”. DHL hot it is, more than 98 percent of the packages would be delivered by their own delivery service. For the remaining two percent of companies would be instructed to adhere to the statutory provisions. According to information from the parcel service provider DPD commissioned transport companies have clear commitments, whose compliance will be continuously tested.