In an international climate protection comparison has lost Germany and other places. This is the result of the environmental organizations Germanwatch and the NewClimate Institute, in its annual climate protection Index, published during the climate change conference in Katowice, Poland.

The rank list, which includes a total of 60 countries, the Federal Republic of Germany on the 27th – five ranks lower than in the previous year, behind countries such as Slovakia, Romania or India. For Germany it is the second worst ranking in the 14-year history of the Index, especially by the since 2009 consistently high levels of emissions and the estate Expansion of renewable energies.

While Iran, the US and Saudi decide to Arabia the rankings, countries such as Sweden, Morocco and Lithuania to the front. The first three places were the climate scientists by German watch and the NewClimate Institute, however, was pointedly empty. As in previous years, you will see in any country in sufficient efforts to limit global warming and the temperature increase so as to keep global well below two degrees.

In the group of countries with moderate performance in addition to Germany, France, Mexico and the Czech Republic. To count as poor countries classified by countries such as Russia, Indonesia, Austria and new Zealand as well as South Korea and Taiwan, all of which have received a poor or very poor rating in almost all categories. In the category of “good” is the whole of the EU, the climate scientists to issue good grades for a more ambitious climate policy.

In the report, the rating of the four areas of emissions, energy consumption, renewable energy and climate policy, attest to the environmental protection organizations of the international community for a “very hesitant” to implement the climate goals of the Paris. “After three years of emissions to stagnating increases in CO2 emissions in the world,” it says. The authors use a Plus of 1.6 percent in the year 2017. At the same time, global energy consumption increased by 2.2 per cent, the coal production for the first time increased since 2013.

nevertheless, the authors attest to significant progress in the Development of renewable energies. “There are encouraging signs that the global energy revolution is on the way”, they write. 2017 was the year with the world’s largest increase in production of renewable energy, 64 percent of the new capacities in Asia alone.

For Germany, the report, in particular, a different traffic policy and the phase-out of coal calls. Listed three big challenges: firstly, the system would have to be solved issues of the energy transition. “The need and Expansion of networks, demand management and storage play a key role.” Secondly, the coal exit would have to be performed in the framework of a fair structure change, up to around 2030, together with a continuing Expansion of renewable energies. And thirdly, the turnaround in the transport sector should be driven in the direction of CO2 reduction.

climate scientists is clear: “Germany needs a Mix of instruments – but without a price for CO2 emissions in all sectors will not succeed in a timely and cost-efficient Transformation.”