(Washington) Former US President Donald Trump, a candidate for the 2024 presidential election, predicted on Tuesday that his Democratic successor Joe Biden would not run again because of his “physical” and “mental” condition, while promising himself to “never give up” despite legal inquiries.

“I don’t see him going there, physically or mentally,” said Donald Trump, when asked about a possible candidacy for the current president during his first television interview, on Fox News, since his late indictment. March.

“I don’t think he can,” he said.

Joe Biden repeats that he intends to run in 2024, even if he has not yet officially entered the campaign.

His age is much commented on. At 80, he is already the oldest US president in office, and would be 86 at the end of a possible second term.

“It’s not a question of age,” however hammered Donald Trump – barely younger with his 76 springs. “But something is wrong. ยป

The Republican magnate who, beyond his high-profile indictment in New York, is the target of many other investigations, has promised that no legal trouble could dissuade him from running in 2024.

“No I will never give up, it’s not my thing, I never will,” he said.