About the coal – the Whether exit-when and How – is disputed in Germany, even bitter, as the energy group RWE mentioned in the last autumn, a forest in the Rhineland, “Hambi”, roden wanted and tens of thousands, however, have demonstrated. Now, however, could be in the coming days to find a solution. In the Berlin Ministry of economic Affairs. There is the so-called coal Commission, largely unnoticed by a wider Public, for months. Industry representatives, environmentalists, climate experts and trade unionists to advise on behalf of the Federal government about exit scenarios. Their Plan is to facilitate the affected regions, the shift away from coal and the settlement of other companies. He is to ensure that electricity remains affordable and the supply is safe. And he should recommend, when a final decision must be with the coal, so that Germany achieved its self-set climate goal for 2020 is to reduce the CO₂ emissions by 40 percent by 2030 by 55 percent compared to 1990.

When the Commission meets this and next Friday for a final consultation, then it is also the consensus of the German model. The highly divergent members, some of them prove that it helps if everyone is talking with everyone. Germany can also existential issues peacefully and with the consent of all Affected change. And that the Grand coalition can make, contrary to all forecasts, climate policy still a big step forward.

Sure it is, however, far from that, it works well. On the contrary it is amazing that the coal Commission has moved so far as in the past. Because originally you had a fix solution, had been established, because the CDU, CSU and SPD could not agree in their coalition negotiations on a common climate policy. So the Grand coalition postponed the issue and called on those of 28 different experts. So you could win first, time second, the climate of political Emptiness of the coalition agreement to conceal, and, thirdly, their lack of decisions, always with the dispute of the experts excuse.

This article dates back to the TIME no 05/2019. Here you can read the entire issue.

Indeed, much has been argued in the Commission. On the question of how the structural change should best be organized and whether the energy companies should be compensated. Or as the dude to take early retirement. For all the questions, there are surprisingly a lot of mutual understanding and many ideas on how to support the victims of the Coal phase-out could be helped, if their jobs are gone. All are agreed that there must be a better rail connection for Chemnitz and Federal authorities need to be migrated in structure-weak areas. The dude should get money. And the corporations also. Only a last, but crucial question is still open: when closed the power plants?

the representatives of The industry to attempt to no constant schedule, out of concern about rising electricity prices. They refuse to be binding or even to establish, by law, when and how much gigawatts of coal power is less produced. With the support of the Minister presidents of Saxony and Brandenburg, the Commission has no voting rights, but in the Background. You would like to receive the money for the structural change, their power plants, but for as long as possible. So in the loved one, the compensation to get, before you have the damage.

The can’t but accept, in turn, the environmental associations. You are asking for a commitment to an exit date, in the early thirty years, and a requirement that soon much less electricity from coal is produced. You want to know, which power plants will be switched off when, for example, Jänschwalde in the East is shut down, and which plants are not having to go to the network, such as the Westphalia in Datteln in North Rhine-Westphalia.

betting on the outcome, wanted to complete at the beginning of the week, none of the parties Involved. The environmental groups are threatening to use its blocking minority in the Commission. To big your worry is, repeatedly, what just happened: that Germany must admit again in ten years to have its climate targets missed.

the Commission Should, however, there would be a Plan that bears the signature of Greenpeace, the trade unions, the energy industry and the industry – and the future governments will not be able to ignore.