industry associations are expected due to the Coal phase-out of sharply rising electricity prices and, therefore, expect from the government a grant of at least two billion euros a year. The Federation of German industries (BDI), the German chambers of industry and Commerce (DIHK) and the Federal Association of German employers ‘ associations (BDA) informed. The grant will be used to pay fees to the Network, which is part of the price of Electricity, and also to private households.

A “policy of accelerated decline” of coal-fired power generation could lead to companies and households by 2030, costs increase by 14 to 54 billion euros, according to a study commissioned by the associations. This enormous bandwidth to establish the associations so that it is unclear how the prices of energy commodities such as Oil and Gas develop.

“cost of A compensation to the expected power increases is a prerequisite for the acceptance of a political phase-out of coal-fired power generation”, declared the President of the three associations that are also members of the coal Commission. This Commission, composed of representatives from business, trade unions, academia and environmental groups to prepare for the government proposals for an accelerated Coal phase-as a contribution to climate protection. The Commission shall present its concept in the coming days.

For the electricity-intensive industries that require the associations of additional assistance as a grant to the network charges, the competition disadvantages compared to other economies, such as China or the United States could not compensate. BDI, DIHK and the BDA to call on the government to extend the compensation for the indirect costs of CO2-emissions trading scheme beyond 2020 and to increase.

complain to The associations, that the electricity prices in Germany are one of the highest in the EU. “With the establishment of a rigid switch-off plan for coal-fired power plants, the policy would expose the German economy a massive risk,” it said. The business representatives do not demand to decide on the exit immovable, but to check the closure of power plants in the future.

the Federal government is, according to the Reuters news Agency, in principle. The Federal Ministry of economic Affairs introduced according to information from the environment of the coal Commission for an extension of the compensation in view. Last, there were just under 300 million euros in the year, with energy-intensive companies in the global competition were relieved. Since CO2 prices have risen dramatically, will in future be assumed to be at much higher amounts.