The global climate crisis is largely due to the combustion of coal for energy production. With the decision to end coal-fired power generation, the Federal government established a special Commission has been, therefore, for Germany, energy policy Central. This does not mean, however, that the decision is accurately implemented, because the Commission is not a political decision, powerful body. You should work out among the stakeholders (industry, unions, the environment, and science) is a compromise. The implementation is the responsibility of the Federal government.

When this should follow the recommendations, it is expensive. Private households and the economy are to be relieved according to the Commission, starting in 2023, from a possible rise in electricity prices, additional subsidies for the energy intensive industry as well as guides for the employees in the coal industry. Also affected four States of North Rhine-Westphalia, Brandenburg, Saxony and Saxony-to a legal basis for the Federal aid continued to receive, via the state contract.

The document (PDF) on the decision is 126 pages long and has a 210-page Appendix. The Commission describes how it envisages the gradual phase-out of coal power and transition to renewable energies. According to the report, the Commission expected “by the Federal government in a consistent and expeditious Management of the energy transition, which allows for the implementation of these measures”. What will have to implement the Federal government politically, if he keeps to the Plan of the Commission? Here are the main points:

Summary: The exit plan
The shutdown of coal-fired power plants to compensate for rising electricity prices in the case of Private compensation for rising electricity prices and the industry support for coal country-coal-fired power plants, compensation in the case of coal-fired power plants, aid for the coal workers of the future the mine supply, be sure
see More of The exit plan

“As the completion date, the Commission recommends the end of the year 2038”, compensation in the case of Brown’s in the report. An “opening clause”, on the environmental associations, however, comes If the electricity market, labour market and economic situation will allow it, it can be preferred to the exit date, in agreement with the operators to 2035. 2032 to be checked. Also in 2023, 2026 and 2029 of the exit plan with a view to security of supply, electricity prices, Jobs and climate objectives will be evaluated.

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coal-fired power plants with a net capacity of 42.6 gigawatts (GW) were The shutdown of coal-fired power plants

the end of 2017 on the market, and a Reserve. After they are taken already by the network. Now it should go faster: by 2030, a maximum of 17 GW to be on the market, 2038 is the latest, final. By 2022, a total of 12.5 GW will go from the network. Special value a protector of the climate, including that of 3.1 GW of brown coal are, in addition, brown coal – fired power plants are particularly harmful to the climate, they emit a lot of greenhouse gases and not be pushed by the CO2 prices in the EU, as quickly from the market. What power plants will be shut down, not the Commission. The need to negotiate the policy with the operators.

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to compensate for rising electricity prices in the case of Private

Starting in 2023, the Commission provides relief in electricity prices: “It is to create a balance, the enterprises and private households to increase from the current price relieved of the politically accelerated reduction and termination of the coal-fired power generation.” Reduces the network charges, which may represent for Private about one-fifth of the electricity price could be. The Commission proposes a grant to the network charges, which are part of the electricity bill and expects a cost of two billion euros per year. New levies or taxes should not exist.

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to compensate for rising electricity prices in the industry

The energy-intensive industry should be permanent, must be credited with the costs caused by the price of CO2 pollution rights, the coal-and gas – fired power plants to buy. A compensation of these indirect costs, there are already, she runs to 2020. The government intends to apply for an extension in the EU. Finally, the relief amounted to almost 300 million Euro per year. Since the CO2-rights have risen significantly, will be the sum in the future is higher. The so-called electricity price compensation should be by 2030.

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support for coal country

To the affected coal regions in the Rhineland and especially in the East German Lausitz Structural support, the total sum is estimated by 2040, at least 40 billion euros. In addition to numerous transport projects, the settlement of the Federal authorities is stimulated, which could create in the next ten years, approximately 5,000 new jobs. Is excited to an investment allowance for entrepreneurs.

aid could be based on the Berlin/Bonn act, with the capital moving to Bonn, it was cushioned. By the end of April key points for action should be available in the law that establishes how the Federal government wants to promote structural change. A state contract is to bind the future the Federal governments. The cost for the Commission amounted to 1.3 billion euros per year over 20 years, the countries provided 0.7 billion per year, which are not tied to projects. Added to the increase in traffic, a special funding programme and a programme to 2021 in the amount of 1.5 billion euros already planned in the Federal budget by 2021.

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compensation for brown coal-fired power plants

The Commission recommends that contractual arrangements with the power plant operators and compensation for Decommissioning by 2030. This should include both compensation for the operator as well as rules on socially responsible design. The older a brown coal-fired power plant is, the less is paid. For the benefit of the large power plant in Datteln of Uniper, which is still under construction, but no longer in operation. Should it vert up to July 2020 to none raglichen agreement with the operators, to the exit on the right. Here, too, the Federal compensation is to be encouraged.

The Commission is also encouraging the use of the amount of compensation to in the past amounts paid. Once brown coal plants for the climate have been taken for protection from the mains, and a Reserve is converted. At that time, around 600 million Euro per GW of power have been paid. The network of coal are power plants, with about 40 GW.

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compensation in the case of coal-fired power plants

here, Too, there should be a compensation. Since these plants yield less return, is planned to be a set-aside premium via a tender. This could be simplified to work this way: The Federal government specifies how much capacity is to be decommissioned. On power plant operators can apply demands for compensation. Who demanded the least compensation or the most CO2 by switching off one part, the contract is awarded.

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support for coal workers

For employees in the coal industry 58 years ago, the need to bridge the time until retirement, is it a adjustment of money and a balance of pension loss. Estimated cost: up to five billion euros, which could carry the employer and the state together. Operations-related redundancies should be prevented. For younger workers, education and training, placement in other Jobs and assistance for loss of Wages.

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the future of the surface mining

A forest at the open pit mine of Hambach is the Symbol of the Anti-coal movement. In the report, the Commission believe it is “desirable”, the hambach forest remains – RWE wants to leave him for the brown coal mining roden, a court had stopped. In addition, to build on the days in the West and East villages from the coal excavator under threat. The Commission has asked the state governments to have a “dialogue” with the Affected and the resettlement, “in order to avoid social and economic hardship”.

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power supply

ensure the risk of Blackouts due to a lack of to ban electricity generation, is to be observed, the security of supply in more detail. In addition, the approval of the environment to gas-fired power plants more environmentally friendly will be accelerated. In addition, investment incentives will be created.

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