Contents page 1 — at last it comes to money page 2 — Forward to make. Finally. Now On a page

Christian Imark read a number of murmurs after the other into the phone. Again and again he turns in his papers and by the next. 29 cents. 3000 liters. Raschel, raschel. 8 cents. 20,000 kilometers. 8 liters. Raschel, raschel. 325 Swiss francs. “The power of the Moment,” says Imark: “1323 francs.”

So much more needs to output a Swiss household per year in the future, if Parliament were to accept the completely revised CO₂ law. Manageable, my the preparatory Committee and the Federal Council. The Solothurn SVP-national Council says: “The law is for the middle class tax, without that it solves problems.” It endangers our prosperity.

When it comes to climate, it is always about the Whole. Around the world, and the question of whether, and if so, how it needs to be saved or can. Increasingly, it is also about the money. Especially in a rich country like Switzerland,

And the good is so.

Bern start next Monday in the national Assembly the discussions on the revised CO2 act. On the same day, starts in Katowice, Poland 24. World climate summit. After the States agreed to the community in December 2015 in Paris on a global climate agreement, to the diplomats and Ministers, the Switzerland Federal President, Alain Besert and environment Minister Doris Leuthard sent, in Poland, the so-called “Parisian rule book” to decide. It is, like the decision that global warming is to be implemented compared to the pre-industrial era to 2 degrees, or to limit, better still, to 1.5 degrees Celsius. So which country how much CO₂ is one part, which of its measures in statistics are taken into account and how the Whole thing is controlled.

This article dates back to the TIME no 49/2018. Here you can read the entire issue.

In Poland, it is estimated in billions and millions to pay in the rich countries in the Fund, to help poorer countries affected by climate change and already today are buffeted. In Switzerland, the National and Ständeräte argue over a few hundred bucks more or less, which could in the budget by Mr and Mrs Swiss are missing.

The big picture is very concrete.

But what is the 1323 francs, and the milk book-the account of SVP-national Council of Imark? He introduces himself to the Swiss model the household as a family of four that lives in a detached house and owns a car. To heat the house, burn them annually 3000 litres of fuel oil, and the car consumes on 100 km, eight liters of gasoline, the family every year, 20,000 kilometers.

now, If the litres of fuel oil is charged with 29 additional Levy, as provided for in the CO₂-law, and if, in addition, on each Liter of gasoline for eight cents on it to be beaten in order to compensate for the environmental damage caused to the car, and if SVP-head computer calculates Imark finally, the consumer goods become more expensive annually 325 Swiss francs if they are made more climate-friendly and need to be transported, then the power 1323 francs. “This is far-reaching,” he says.

Now there are some reasons to doubt this account and to the 1323 francs. This begins with the size of the households: Only 23 percent of Swiss life with three people under one roof, and in just 40 percent of the buildings in Switzerland, is heated with Oil. Thirty years ago, oil Tank was still in over 60 percent of the basement.