
Childcare workers to receive pay rise in move to attract more to industry

More than 33,000 childcare workers in Ireland are set to receive a pay increase as part of the Government’s efforts to attract more people to work in the industry. The pay boost, which will come into effect on June 24, aims to address the shortage of childcare workers in the country.

Taoiseach Simon Harris has called for an audit of all vacant childcare facilities to unlock more spaces for children and support young families. The pay increases will range from 65c to 85c per hour, depending on the worker’s grade, with an estimated 53% of workers in the early-years sector receiving a pay rise.

Children’s Minister Roderic O’Gorman highlighted the importance of improving pay and conditions for those working with children to recognize their important work and support recruitment and retention efforts. He emphasized the need to raise the profile of careers in the sector and promote its professionalization.

Junior minister Emer Higgins praised the dedication of childcare workers in providing essential services to children and families, affirming the government’s commitment to supporting and enhancing pay in the sector. Additionally, the Taoiseach has requested an audit of vacant childcare facilities to increase supply and alleviate pressure on families.

The move to increase pay for childcare workers reflects the government’s recognition of the vital role they play in society and aims to improve recruitment, retention, and overall conditions in the early-years sector. With ongoing efforts to enhance funding and support for the industry, the government seeks to further professionalize and elevate careers in childcare.