Despite of the exhaust gas scandal, the Volkswagen group has delivered in the past year as many vehicles as never before. For 2017, the company had already reported a sales record of 10.74 million vehicles sold worldwide in 2018, according to the car manufacturer is 10.83 million. Also, the VW-brands Škoda, Seat, Porsche and Lamborghini have been able to achieve the delivery records.

The Numbers are surprising, the group recorded for last year, but a decline of sales: sales declined in December 2018, or 8.4 percent, to 916.000 car. This was due to the largest single market for the company, which sells more than 40 percent of its vehicles in China. The paragraphs fell because of the trade dispute with the United States since the middle of the year. Nevertheless, the car manufacturer sold 0.5% more vehicles than in the previous year.

Yet not in all areas of supply it is 2018 for the group. In North America, sales decreased by two percent in the home market of Germany the Minus was 0.1 percent – here’s 1.28 million cars have been sold, despite the difficulties in the introduction of the new emission and fuel – consumption standards WLTP. At times, thousands of cars parked had to be, because not all models and variants had the necessary certification. The market grew up in Brazil: The sales figures increased 30.4 percent to 401,000 vehicles.

Among the various brands gave Audi the worst image: The group’s subsidiary sold in 2018, some 1.8 million cars and 3.5 percent less than in the previous year. Also this was due to the December in which sales of 14.3 per cent went on 154.500 vehicles. Other subsidiaries had 2018, a considerably better year: The Czech company, Škoda increased by 4.4 percent, the Spanish VW subsidiary Seat, even improved by more than ten percent.