Since the start of the program in mid-September around 83,000 families have applied for the new baukinder money. The the also to Build a competent Federal government informed the Ministry of the interior in Berlin. “The baukinder money is a success story, meanwhile, more than 140,000 children benefit”, – quotes the Minister Horst Seehofer (CSU) said in a statement.

The baukinder money to help families in times of rising construction and real – estate prices in the acquisition of the property. For the construction of a house or buying a property, there is a government grant of 1,200 euros per child and per year, paid over ten years, i.e. 12,000 euros per child.

applications, mainly from North Rhine-Westphalia

the request of families, the between the 01 are entitled to. January 2018 and 31. December 2020 purchase agreement or obtaining a building permit. Applications must be submitted to KfW no later than three months after the entry into the sponsored property.

in the Meantime, the applicant can upload the inside and control your documents on a web site, the promotional Bank KfW. After a “rapid test” to begin the payout. Some 4,200 families have received already their first baukinder money rate.

most of The applications came, according to the Ministry of North Rhine-Westphalia (18.264), Baden-Württemberg (11039 MB), Bavaria (10.453) and lower Saxony (10.339). So far are bound, therefore, around EUR 1.7 billion in funding for the baukinder money.