A devastating fire destroys a building of Putin’s unofficial residence in Altai, which probably also houses the Russian president’s secret bunkers.

A building of the residence of Russian President Vladimir Putin in the Altai Mountains was almost completely destroyed by a fire. According to RBC, a published photo shows fierce flames blazing from the house.

The residence was allegedly disguised as the sanatorium complex “Altai Yard”, which belongs to the Gazprom company. The first information about the secret construction of the sanatorium appeared in 2010. Gazprom stated that the sanatorium was necessary for meetings with business partners, corporate events and accommodation of foreign guests.

Russian opposition figures have repeatedly confirmed a connection between this complex and the Kremlin chief. Some media reports suggest that one of Putin’s bunkers is located there and that he retreated there during the COVID pandemic.

Interestingly, the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense announced just last week that it knew the locations of Putin’s bunkers. This has led to speculation that a Ukrainian act of sabotage was the cause of the fire.