History 01/01/20 Yeltsin Talks with Chechen rebels: how was it
on the night of April 22, 1996, homing missile was killed by the President of the unrecognized Ichkeria Dzhokhar Dudayev. But the chair of the head of the breakaway Republic is not left unattended. In it sat the Vice President, a poet by vocation and separatist occupation Zelimkhan Yandarbiyev. After the elimination of the leadership of Dudayev fighters remained like a heavy knockdown. More recently, principally not agreeing on any contact with the Kremlin, now they were willing to stop the bloody conflict. The respite was needed and Moscow, where in the midst was a struggle for the presidential post. Acting head of state Boris Yeltsin decided to use a demonstrative reconciliation with the Chechens as the powerful stroke of his campaign. Through intermediaries, the OSCE, the Russian side has let know that is ready to negotiate. On 27 may, the delegation of Ichkeria headed by Yandarbiyev arrived to the Kremlin.
Yandarbiyev hat
For the meeting chose the least prestigious hall. The Chechens were in camouflage uniforms, while their leader did not withdraw from the head of Astrakhan fur cap. Serious legal penalties allowed himself and Yeltsin. Not giving Yandarbiyev at least a hint of courtesy and not even shaking his hand, what is required by the rules regardless of personal relationships between the interlocutors, the Russian President immediately sat down at the head table. Acting President of Ichkeria this gesture extremely much. Started the altercation: Yandarbiyev was accompanied by their arguments active gestures. Behind Yeltsin was visibly nervous chief of his security service Alexander Korzhakov. Trying to anticipate the course of events, he shifted from foot to foot, ready at any moment to rush to the enemy.
“the meeting took Place behind closed doors, without journalists — to be confirmed in the book of Oleg Morozova, “Zyuganov did not become President”. In the Chechen delegation — five hthe person. In General, Yeltsin spoke with the “messengers of the mountains” is pretty tough, and has withstood the stiffness until the end of the meeting, earning his opponent seems to be flattering on the lips of the Chechen description: “the wolfhound”. Rebuked the Chechens for more than a two-hour delay: when the President invites, too late nobody can”.
“Normal tone”
has not Yet begun, the negotiations were in jeopardy. Yandarbiyev demanded such a Seating arrangement at the table below it according to his own view of the status of the head of an independent state: the heads of delegations, as an equal, sitting on the sides of the table facing each other.
— Sit down. Sit down! – widely available to the public thanks to staff newsreel the dialogue started with the proposal of the owner of the territory.
— Boris, I’m so tone will not sit down — or Yandarbiyev was visibly nervous, or simply not mastered the Russian language, which is strange for a professional linguist.
‘ Sit down, normal tone, — tirelessly repeated Yeltsin, emphasized looking at the table. Both tried not to meet glances.
— Let us talk one on one.
— No, one-on-one we don’t talk.
— Then I won’t, ‘ said Yandarbiyev and turned to head for the exit.
“Sit down,” he flew after him.
— I will not sit down! – insisted the leader of the militants.
“the Chechens were evil, like the devil, he told Korzhakov years later in an interview. – Hit I Yandarbiyev? Without any doubt. Sorry, but if my President someone threatens, even if another President — what a difference! — I have to take action. Afraid I andreevskoy Suite? Something! Not enough to our guests to behave prudently. Their leader at first, this was hot (or was shown the vehemence), and then, when feisty, Yeltsin got up and walked away: “Well, you’ve got to talk…” he calmed down.
Yeltsin in BTR
In the end a compromise was found. After mutual wrangling Yeltsin and Yandarbiyev took place each nagainst another.
Both sides were dissatisfied with the outcome of the negotiations and decided to continue the meeting the next day. As emphasized by Korzhakov, the guests were placed in one of the buildings FSO guarded: “At the time of the visit they were given a country mansion with rooms and excellent cuisine — everything!”
At this point, the security forces suggested to Yeltsin to make a swift visit to Chechnya.
“the next Morning from the news, the Chechens are surprised to discover that the Russian President flew to Chechnya — relished enchanting episode in Russian history journalist Leonid Parfyonov in the program “Namedni”. — With Byzantine intrigue, leaving its guests in Moscow in the position of the actual hostages, Yeltsin before the election shows that the most acute problem of internal policy solved. He tells the soldiers: “the War is over, you won,” presenting awards, in the armor of BTR signed an order on early demobilization served in hot spots and then comes back. To confirm the control over the entire territory of Russia and the blitz-visit”.
PR move made an impression in the world. The war was declared over. Korzhakov noted that the risk of movement was minimal. The delegation flew on helicopters at low altitude by a group of about 15 cars. From Yeltsin’s entourage in the plan of operation, the security forces have devoted only a few most trusted individuals. Not part of the first presidential aide Viktor Ilyushin told, was furious when he learned about the whereabouts of his boss from the media.
As is known, the voyage of Yeltsin in Chechnya has led only to a temporary cease-fire. After the elections, fighting broke out with renewed vigor. The first war ended with the signing of the so-called Khasavyurt agreements. August 31 a new Secretary of the Russian security Council and a recent rival of Yeltsin in the presidential race, General Alexander Lebed signed the papers together with Aslan Maskhadov. In 1997, the leader of the separatists took to the Kremlin. With him, Yeltsin shook hands for RUCF.
Okunev Dmitry
© Russian Seven
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