History 28/01/20 Women banderovki: as they did the soldiers of SMERSH
As shown by the history of the twentieth century, radical nationalist ideology is able to transform into monsters not only men but also women. Suffice it to recall the Nazis Ilse Koch, Irma Dreams and Gert Oberhauser who abused prisoners of concentration camps. No less cruelty during the great Patriotic war was “Garn divchata” with the Western Ukraine.
Women in the UPA*
the leadership of the Ukrainian insurgent army* wanted to use to win every possible candidate pool, including women. For them there was a special post in a clear organizational structure of the movement. In addition, the presence of “fighting friend” brightened the difficult everyday life of the rebels in wood huts. For example, a personal messenger of Roman Shukhevych Catherine zaritska named “Orysia”, among other things, was the mistress of “the führer” Ian*.
“Now Ukrainian historians have not yet explored even approximately, the total number of Ukrainian women who participated in the resistance movement, but it can be argued that in the ranks of the UPA* there were not dozens, not even hundreds, but thousands”, — says the candidate of historical Sciences, Peter Slyusarenko.
the Core of the women’s movement in the UPA* steel checked “ideological” nationalist. In 1942 the Organization of Ukrainian nationalists* became open school girls pompolic in which selyanok taught programme documents of the OUN* and the foundations of conspiracy. Opponents Bandera – first the Germans and then the Soviet soldiers – and could not imagine that beauty in wreaths and ribbons – in fact, an experienced scout.
the Majority of women provided passive support for the rebels. Staying in the villages, they sewed for the militants clothes, cooking and repairing things. In every village there was a “stanitsa” and “gospodarcza” among women, who led the work. Political work with womenand was conducted separately from men. At the level of the village existed the position of “conductor of ideas of OUN* among women” and “a conductor of ideas of OUN* of girls”, published relevant campaign materials. The nationalists promised that in an independent Ukraine will be provided with “full equality of women with men in public rights and duties”.
Ukrainian girls began to help the rebels with 10 years of age. Most often they are used as messengers. One of the houses in the village were appointed as the “point of contact”, where any time someone sat on duty. After receiving the message, the girl went to the neighboring village, to pass it on. If the NKVD asked where she was going, this “red riding hood” is usually claimed to have gone to visit relatives. Subsequently, the security officers came up with a method of dealing with this phenomenon: they turned a suspicious girl upside down and shook it until the encrypted note has not kicked out of linen.
Nurse sadistic
In the “divisions of special purpose” in the UPA* there have been “hundreds of brave girls” — female youth branch of the movement similar to Hitler’s “Union of German girls”. Young galichanka worked as nurses in a secret hospital hidden in the forest thickets. Clinics Bandera was fairly well equipped, some of them took hundreds of wounded at a time. As recalled by a former employee of SMERSH Yuriy Taraskin, Soviet counterintelligence did not take these girls prisoner, and shot on the spot. The reason for that was the infamous “sisters of mercy”.
“They’re on our captured soldiers practiced practical training in applying splints to broken limbs, breaking their arms and legs, or cut them to explore the field of surgery and methods of suturing wounds,” said the veteran (quoted from the book of Igor and Irina Golevyh “Ukrainian syndrome”).
of Course, the nurses tormented prisoners for their own perverse pleasure. Was practical sense in the development of medical skills and saving medicamentoV. Faced with the reactions of the soldiers, the girls were mentally prepared if necessary to do surgery without anesthesia have their own fighters. However, crimes against humanity, as we know, no excuse.
* — an organization banned in Russia.
Timur Sagdiyev
© Russian Seven
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