Symbolbild zum Thema Verkehr in der Grossstadt , aufgenommen in Berlin, 09.08.2016. Berlin Deutschland PUBLICATIONxINxGERxSUIxAUTxONLY Copyright: xFlorianxGaertnerxSymbol image to Theme Traffic in the Big city Date in Berlin 09 08 2016 Berlin Germany PUBLICATIONxINxGERxSUIxAUTxONLY Copyright xFlorianxGaertnerx

A man with a deceptively real weapon on his body has been arrested in front of a Jewish school in Berlin-Mitte. As the police reported on Saturday, the 28-year-old defended himself on Friday evening, so that a police officer was slightly injured.

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According to the investigations so far, the police do not assume that the man deliberately went to the high school on Grosse Hamburger Straße with the soft air gun, as a spokesman said. The “B.Z.” had previously reported.

The 28-year-old is now being investigated for violating the Weapons Act and resisting law enforcement officials. So-called sham weapons may not be carried in public.

A breach of this is an administrative offense and can be punished with a fine of up to 10,000 euros.

According to the police, the 28-year-old claims to have found the soft air weapon in a bus. He found it “cool” to walk around with it. When he was arrested, the man was accompanied by a 22-year-old who is currently being treated as a patient in a clinic near the Jewish school.