Endlessly long queues, delayed or even canceled flights: For many who fly on vacation, the start of this is sometimes frustrating.
For weeks there has been chaos at German airports and the personnel service providers can hardly help out due to a lack of available workers. In addition, there have recently been strikes by the ground staff, and a strike by the pilots could follow.
At the express request of the aviation industry, the federal government has exceptionally and within a very short time created the labor and entry requirements for workers from a third country, here Turkey, to take up work for a limited period of three months, a spokeswoman for the Federal Ministry for Digitization and Transport told the Tagesspiegel.
“We have initiated talks with the federal states in order to promote unbureaucratic procedures in the federal states, especially in the general recruitment of employees.” until August 3, however, only a number of Turkish workers were in a low three-digit range.
“It is not clear that this low number is due to the federal government’s requirements for Turkish workers.” In June, Federal Interior Minister Nancy Faeser promised to help with very short-term measures.
“We make it possible for the companies to use helpers from abroad, above all from Turkey. We issue the necessary residence and work permits very quickly,” explained Faeser at a press conference.
However, it is very clear that these assistants have to go through the same strict background checks as everyone else. At the same time, the federal government gave the go-ahead for the authorities to speed up the necessary procedures for checking the reliability of new employees from third countries so that the workers could be deployed at short notice during the summer months. The first seasonal workers from Turkey are not expected until this week , instead of 2000 it should now be less than 300.
Thomas Richter, who initiated the project as chairman of the Employers’ Association of Ground Handling Service Providers in Air Transport (ABL), said in an interview with the Tagesspiegel that the number had fallen mainly because in many federal states the summer holidays were now over or soon ended. “Once peak times are over, hiring more people doesn’t make sense. The people who are coming now are going to Frankfurt, Nuremberg and Munich, there is still a need there, and they can then take the autumn holidays with them.”
However, the number has also melted because there have been irritations with regard to the required qualifications. “Sometimes it wasn’t just about helping hands, but there was a lack of people with training that the Turkish service provider could not offer”
Richter regrets that it didn’t work out faster. “But the background check for airports is complex, it requires an entry-free certificate of good conduct, complete proof of residence for the last ten years and proof of employment for the last five years.
When it comes to unskilled workers, people are sometimes a bit more colourful, the examination takes time, despite the government’s concessions.” should go hand in hand.