History 01/01/20 Why Stalin was opposed to moving the capital from Moscow to Leningrad
In the years 1949-50, the Soviet Union shocked the “Leningrad affair” that fractured the fate of hundreds of senior party officials. Among other things the repressed leaders of the city on the Neva was accused of an intention to make Leningrad the capital of the RSFSR.
“was prepared for one question about the transfer of the capital to Leningrad”
In March 1918 the Bolshevik government moved from the “cradle of the revolution”, Petrograd – in the “ancient” Moscow. Formally, the capital transfer was considered “temporary”, but when in 1922 a Treaty was signed on the formation of the USSR, Moscow became the official capital of the Union state. It was believed that at the same time it is the capital of the RSFSR, but in fact the Russian Republic were not many private institutions that could stay in the capital (e.g. Academy of Sciences). There was no Russian Communist party, although there were, for example, the Ukrainian Communist party.
After the great Patriotic war in the USSR strengthened its position in Leningrad item. Natives of the Leningrad regional Committee was, for example, Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b), Alexei Kuznetsov, Chairman of the RSFSR Council of Ministers Mikhail Rodionov and the Chairman of Gosplan Nikolai Voznesensky. Patronized “Leningrad” political group closest associate of Stalin, Andrei Zhdanov. But a year after his death, the people of Leningrad were subjected to repression. They were accused of intention to create in Russia a separate Communist party in opposition to the Union. The next step is the separation of the RSFSR was to be the transfer of the capital to Leningrad.
“In the enemy group Kuznetsova has been discussed and prepared for one question on necessity of creation RKP (b) and of the Central Committee of the RCP(b) and the transfer of capital RSFSR from Moscow to Leningrad”, – was said in never sent a closed letter to Politburo members and candidate members of the CPSU (b), composedMr. Malenkov and Beria.
the Position of leader
Could Joseph Stalin to agree to the transfer of the capital of Russia? A question about this goes far beyond the support of the aging “father of the people” “Moscow” or “Leningrad” political groups.
First of all, the presence of private capital and other national attributes would strengthen positions of the Russian Federation in the Union. During the great Patriotic war, Stalin’s rhetoric has repeatedly appealed to the history of Russia, including the Imperial period. Improved position of the Russian Orthodox Church. However, the formation of the elite of Russia on the ethnic principle was contrary to the views of Stalin, though he called himself a “Russian of Georgian origin”. Historian Vladimir Kuznechevskaya believes that “Russian nationalism” Stalin saw the threat of the collapse of the Soviet Union.
“Stalin considered Russian people, the binding force of the Soviet Union, but his convictions remained an internationalist,” says Simon Sebag Montefiore, author of “Stalin: the court yard of the red monarch”.
moreover, some actions of the “father of Nations”, in particular, collectivization in Georgia in softened form, as well as the maximum expansion of the boundaries of this Republic (which received part of the Russian North Caucasus), make one suspect a hidden Stalin in Georgian nationalism.
in addition, researchers have noted specific personal hostility of Stalin towards Leningrad. The leader considered the city of Kirov and Zinoviev “opposition”, which was developed in this particular style of leadership. Some historians and commentators even believe that the victims of the blockade partially blame the leadership of the country – say, with the help of the famine, Stalin decided to “punish” Leningrad in the desire for autonomy. Therefore, the leaders who knew about the real situation in the siege was, among other things, unnecessary witnesses who should be “clean.” In the framework of the “Leningrad affair” Kuznetsov, Voznesensky, Rodionov, Popkov and other former officials of the Smolny was shot.
we Add that the role of the capital of the RSFSR in the Soviet times claimed not only Leningrad. For some time rumors of an impending transfer of the capital went in Vladimir – the ancient patrimony of the Russian princes. However, there are no political consequences this entailed.
Timur Sagdiyev
© Russian Seven
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