Another 01/02/20 Why Stalin during the war made the Tuva part of the USSR
Tuva, more precisely, the Tuvan people’s Republic, has long been an area of interest of the USSR. The Soviet Union, the first in 1924, recognized the independence of TNR, and in 1944 Tuva joined the Soviet Union.
to Go closer
even If not to consider the time after the October revolution and the Civil war, Tuva in the past two decades, on its own initiative closer to the Soviet Union, which writes the electronic information magazine “the New research of Tuva” article “Tuva and the Soviet Union: the process of political integration”.
In mid-August of 1921 the delegation of the Soviet Russia participated in Serviskom constituent Khural (Congress) proclaimed the independence of Tuva. In June 1925 in Moscow signed a Treaty of friendship and cooperation between Tuva and the Soviet Union.
Despite the Tuvan name, the structure of government of the Republic copied the Soviet. Cadres were trained in Moscow, and in 1930 Tuva was ruled by the graduates of Moscow’s Communist University of the toilers of the East.
Not a large area, Tuva was occupied by a strategically important location between Mongolia, China and Siberian regions of the USSR. In addition, Tuva had reserves of coking and thermal coal, cobalt, gold, nonferrous and rare metals, rare earth elements, it was far from unnecessary for the belligerent of the Soviet Union.
the head of the Tuvan people’s revolutionary party, the ruling in TNR, Salchak Current, openly held a course on entry into the Union, and the population of Tuva was not against it.
the war Years
After Hitler’s attack on the Soviet Union, Tuva became the first foreign government, declared the allied obligations to the Soviet Union. TNR has announced the Third Reich war on 25 June 1941.
In fighting the Soviet Union began to arrive Tuvan volunteers. But, more importantly, Tuva has become for our country suppliersthe IR of the necessary raw materials: meat, horses, leather shoes, boots, skis and other goods for a total amount of 66,5 million roubles. Donations Tuva was created a few tank columns and aircraft squadrons. Tuva sent to the Soviet Union its gold reserves.
in 1944 it became clear that the Soviet Union wins the war and the management of Tuva found the right moment to join the Soviet Union. After closed consultations and diplomatic negotiations, Small Khural of TNR made the decision on joining the USSR in August 1944, sent a petition to the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. On the basis contained in the bid document Tuva became an Autonomous oblast in the RSFSR.
Historians have noted that the decision has not passed the necessary legal procedures, in particular, there was no national referendum in Tuva, neither the Soviet Union nor the Small Hural or Presidium of the Supreme Council possessed the necessary powers. But it was a war, whether legal subtleties here. The main thing — some wanted to join, the second was not opposed, so why the time is to lose?
the Researchers say the question of pragmatic decision on the part of the Soviet Union. So, the eminent Sovietologist Walter Galarza sure that step was taken towards the protection of Kuzbass. Tuva near the Mongolian and Chinese borders. In China, then ruled by the Japanese long ago zaryvkina on Soviet Siberia and the Mongols had plans of great Mongolia, part of which would be and Tuva. Of course, the Soviet Union had to minimize such risks.
Ivanna Otroshchenko from the Ukrainian Institute of Oriental studies and at all sees in the accession purely economic reasons. In the first place — valuable minerals, and then the fat herds of cattle.
Konstantin Baranovsky
© Russian Seven
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