Why Pavel Korchagin became a cult hero in the United States

Heroes 10/01/20 frame of filmuojama Pavel Korchagin became a cult hero in the U.S.

Some people do not believe in the difference in mentality and think the whole world thinks the same and sees everything under the same angle and perspective. At least, the example of the novel “How the steel was tempered” it becomes clear that it is not.

the Fate of the novel in the USSR

Nikolai Ostrovsky, immobilized and blinded, with his wife and a neighbour wrote the novel “How the steel was tempered” in 1932. He sent the manuscript to the journal “Young guard”, but received a negative review. Ostrovsky insisted on re-consideration of the manuscript and the novel was published. In the next 4 years the book was translated into Japanese and English. He published in 47 countries in 56 languages. Interestingly, the translator into Japanese, fled with his family in the USSR, where he was shot as a Japanese spy. But the English novel was published under the title “The making of a hero” – “becoming a hero”. The author has given consent to this name, but asked to make mention of the original version.

During the life of Ostrovsky’s novel was reprinted 41 times. The book became the most published in the USSR from 1918 to 1986, published 536 times with a total circulation of more than 36 million copies. And it’s only in Russian. In 75 languages of the peoples of the Soviet Union the novel was released 773 times sold more than 53 million, according to the State Museum — humanitarian center “Overcoming” them. N. And. Ostrovsky.

the novel was filmed three times: 1942, 1956 and 1973. Read the book aloud to the soldiers in the trenches of the great Patriotic war. Pavel Korchagin became the only literary character, after whom is named a street in Moscow.

post-Soviet history and success in the U.S.

With the fall of the USSR it’s time to rethink romance. Special excitement was caused by the stage of the construction of a narrow gauge railway. For example, the first mayor of Moscow Gabriel Popov said that the episode – the hidden anti-Soviet, revealing the absurdity of the situation the tendency of Communists to Abraham and heroicTSS covering ordinary negligence. Recall that in the book say to build a narrow gauge railway can not, not can not be built – right firewood for heating or everything will freeze. In response Zhukhrai says that you need to entrust to the Komsomol – they will cope. Detachment insufficient number of workers and engineers, as well as materials and food. But the gun was delivered on time.

Other critics, drawing on pre-revolutionary rules for the construction of the railway, stated that for the time described in the book, the road can not be built. Other visiting places where there was action, came to the conclusion that, on the contrary, was not required for three months to break through the snow and frozen ground – all can be played in two weeks, then, Ostrovsky lied in the description of this feat, and others.

“How the steel was tempered” was taken from the curriculum and actually forgot. Who played Pavel Korchagin in the film adaptation of the seventies, Vladimir Konkin, who is this role, prefers not to think about it.

more surprising for the author of these lines was the discovery during a visit to USA (Washington and Chicago) that the country is novel is known and appreciated. And not in the departments of Slavic of the universities and not as Communist propaganda. In Pavel Korchagin, Americans see the human who defied fate, who fought for their ideals and recognoscere under the weight of adverse circumstances. Moreover, unlike the Soviet Union, the United States pay attention not to participate Coracina in the Civil war and the construction of socialism, and in its dignity, resilience and willingness to sacrifice in the name of a good cause (for example, the episode where Paul with arms saves a girl from gang rape or resists snickering bureaucrats). Add to the popularity of the book and the tragic fate of the author, Nikolai Ostrovsky. The novel is still in print and can be found on the shelves of bookstores.

Konstantin Baranovsky

© Russian Seven

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