Another 13/01/20 What women in the Soviet Union had become a model
the Profession of a model shrouded in a veil of mystery and spice. So long called people posing for authors to create art paintings, sculptures. Along with paints, brushes, easels, they are an integral part of the art workshop, help students to visually estimate the proportions of the body, to examine the smallest nuances. It is worth quoting poet William Blake, who believed that art is impossible without naked beauty.
the Vicissitudes of a profession
to Pose for the artist for hours, being in a certain position, a task that requires physical and nervous tension. For masterpieces adorning the galleries, museums, which once posed a real, earthly woman. Contrary to popular belief, the artists choose to work with a variety of nature types, not always featuring a luxurious shapes and a flawless appearance.
In the Soviet Union, the profession of the sitter was officially called “the demonstrator of plastic poses”, paid at the minimum rate of 80-120 rubles (depending on qualifications, experience, region), as evidenced by the statistical collection “Social development of the USSR.” In the country of workers and peasants, a model was considered bezdelnitsa are not willing to do serious business. Often, on an hourly part time students were invited. In the profession there were only those who truly loved art, I was ready to work for the idea. For posing in the Nude pay a bit more, but still to find a good type, in such circumstances, it was difficult. Sometimes, teachers and students pay extra any model, to finish the job. The most experienced artist’s model collaborated with renowned artists, with private workshops and received good fees.
drinking Nudes
One of the key requirements was the ability to relax, to demonstrate the naturalness. The puritans in profethe Russia was not. The relationship between artists and models was professional, not friendly in passing. This was caused by etiquette. It was not customary to talk while posing. The exception was the work in closed workshops. There may be established a more relaxed atmosphere, if it was required for the plot.
According to the testimony of graduates of the Moscow art Institute. V. I. Surikov difficult to draw Nudes if you feel irritation, personal dislike. Optimally, when the model did not cause emotions, can be in the right position for a few hours, with small breaks.
Despite rumors and gossip, intimate relationship, as if emerging in a Studio, was virtually eliminated.
Russian Seven
© Russian Seven
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