Another 30/01/20 What weapons were able to fight, the don Cossacks
Don Cossacks, providing a reliable rear of the Cossacks associated with a well-deserved sense of tradition and loyalty to their family, with thrift and indomitable temper, beauty, and freedom.
Household viability
As the Cossacks by the will of fate were constantly on service, Hiking, all the household burdens fell on the shoulders of a handsome Cossack.
Involuntarily Dostoevskii sometimes for several years donchanka served not only women, but most men’s duties. Cultivation of land, care for livestock, crop farming and vegetable gardens, mowing hay, harvesting and storing of crops, the maintenance of the hut and Church – this is not a complete list of unfeminine functions Cossack.
during the absence of her husband dons a hard worker was a full-fledged mistress of the house, coping with their responsibilities not sickly thanks to the experience, skill and not a stalwart of strength.
Sometimes on the economic side, the Cossacks were quicker than their husbands, who are fighting, have lost the skills needed in civilian life.
unlike the Russian peasants, not taken any action without the consent of the spouse, the Cossacks had more freedom.
Technically, all decisions in the house after the departure of the young men into service had to take his grandfather-the Cossack. Often, however, the battle-scarred man was not able to provide for his large family and a farm.
Therefore, the Cossacks took the initiative in their own hands and organised the household, giving everyone a job at powers and abilities.
Don damsels successfully cranked commodity-money operations, knowing a lot about the profitable sale of its products and winning purchase necessary everyday items. They tied the money and spend it wisely, not allowing to empty the family piggy Bank.
don Cossack could easily be managed not only cooking and cleaning, but also with military weapons, which she picked up to protect the family and home at the time of the husband’s absence.
Perfectly wielding a sword or other melee weapon, but she was trained in shooting rifles and cannons, of which it scorched to death, preferring her shameful captivity.
If during the attack the men were in the village, the women’s role was to assist in charging the guns, the repair of fortifications, ensuring the safety of children and first aid to the wounded. But if you have an accident, and the husband Cossack was dead, she had a right to take into battle in his place.
memorable for the don Cossacks 1641 in the defense of Azov was attended by 800 Cossacks.
Despite the fact that the Cossacks never publicly showed his love for the women and not show tender feelings, however, they for centuries to treat their mothers, sisters, daughters and zhinok.
Demonstrating his gender superiority over women, villagers asserted themselves, and wise donchanka in the presence of men did not allow themselves to show excessive force and did not require additional rights.
each Cossack depending on the age were their rights, the infringement of which was frowned upon in the army Circle, where their name was made by fathers, husbands or brothers.
a representative to the meeting Dontsov and could have been a lonely woman who chose the mediator, who defended its interests.
Under the personal protection of the Council of elders and chieftains were orphans and widows, which, as an exception, sometimes allowed to attend the Gathering. In their presence, the Cossacks were obliged to stand, and if Cossack was older – and even Stripping the head.
Voluntary marriage
On the liberality of the views of the Cossacks proved by the fact that no one could oppose the will of the force Cossack girl to marry. Taking offer a potential suitor, donchanka had to spend some manipulation with his headdress. Entering the house of the chosen girls, the Cossack put nand the cap bottom down, and if in the process of communication Cossack knew that wants to associate with this fine fellow his fate, she turned shaped piece of the bottom to the top, but otherwise, just removed it from the table.
Personal freedom and honor of the Cossack
the behavior of the Cossack, as girls and women, stanitsa holidays can hardly be called formal.
don Even married beauty was not shy to talk, to dance, to flirt and flirt with any Cossack, while not crossing the fragile boundary of what is permitted.
But the don had to be careful because, depending on the family status of the Cossacks they could afford a different degree of freedom to communicate.
To Cossack unknowingly accidentally offended by their actions Cossack girl, women wore rings that indicated their situation: the girl, who was in search of betrothed gave silver jewelry on the finger of the left hand, while betrothed girl wore it on her right hand. Ring with turquoise usually wore those whose men were in the service, a gold ring on his right hand could not afford a married Cossack, and on the left widows or divorced.
the word Cossack had the right to initiate divorce when in Russia, this procedure was prohibited even for men. Although the Cossacks were not welcome such phenomena, but they were wrong and demonstrated a high degree of freedom of rights the don beauties.
Despite the fun and rebellious nature of the concept of honor to Cossack was paramount, and he rarely trample him with my unworthy antics. Awaiting the return of men from service, they were able for decades to keep them faithful. In that regard, illustrative example of the wife of the Cossack Semyon Dezhnev, does not appear the house of 19 years in which his newborn son turned into a brave warrior, and the wife continued to hold sacred family values.
But contrary to the General rectitude of the don Cossack in each village allowed the accommodation of one reckless childless widow, Krasivaja leisure single men.
the Don who fought in different lands, often as trophies brought with them wives, who diluted its exotic blood gene Cossacks.
Endless conflict with Turkey contributed to the emergence of the don of a large number of polonyanok known as “hasirci”.
These Turkish women, as well, and Circassian, and Tatar mastered under the guidance of true Cossack foundations of life of the villagers, quickly became full members of the Cossack community.
events and awards
Respect for the don Cossacks was so great that they are still in the pre-revolutionary time was dedicated to the two holidays.
November 21 in the village celebrated the Day of the don Cossacks, and December 4 – mother’s Day, and this celebration honored not only those who have experienced the joy of motherhood, but those who had, including little girls.
speaking of mothers, those Cossacks who were sent to service three or more sons were awarded the medal “For diligence”, and was awarded a special honor of the chieftain, leaning in their presence the head.
Ashkhen Avanesova
© Russian Seven
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