Weapons 07/01/20 What surprised Hitler Soviet ShKAS machine gun
according to Oleg Rastrenin, author of the book “Soviet aircraft weapons,” aviation ShKAS machine gun with a rate of fire of 1800 rounds per minute at the time was superior to the best world samples. According to the designer, Boris Shpitalny, instance ShKAS was kept under glass in the Chancellery. According to the documents that came with the gun, the weapon had to be in the German Department to a certain point.
the Creation of machine gun ShKAS
As one of the rooms of the scientific-technical journal “technology of air fleet” in 1940, Boris Gavriilovich of the Hospital became interested in automatic weapons, as usual locksmith Mytishchi railcar plant. In parallel, the Hospital he studied at the Moscow mechanical Institute named after Lomonosov, the library of which the future designer was sometimes a late night. It was then, as a student, Boris Gavriilovich and came up with the idea of a gun, which would surpass the rate of fire of all weapons invented earlier.
This work took the Hospital several years. The situation was exacerbated by lack of knowledge, lack of experience and means of embodiment of ideas to life. Soon, however, all is Boris Shpitalniy appeared. According to David Bolotin, the author of the book “Soviet small arms” after graduation the young specialist was sent to work in the Research engine Institute. NAI is in the Hospital finally concluded and issued its draft, then sent it for consideration by the special Commission. Subsequently, the weapons were modified to the more experienced designer Irinarkh Komaritsky, so the machine and is called ShKAS – Shpitalny-Komaritsky aircraft rate of fire.
ShKAS in the first place
the First instance of air gun Shpitalny-Komaritsky was released at the Tula factory in 1930. The air force EdgeSnoy army ShKAS received only 2 years later, as evidenced by a Resolution of the revolutionary military Council of October 11, 1932. According to Oleg Rastrenin, author of the book “Soviet aircraft weapons”, the production of machine guns immediately brought the Soviet Union into first place on small aircraft armaments among the world powers. According to Rastrenin, machine gun appreciated even Stalin himself. This is not surprising.
the fact that Boris Shpitalniy actually managed to realize his dream by creation of the rapid-fire weapons. At least, according to Nikolay Yakubovich in the publication “Our air force in 1941. The causes of the disaster”, at that time another gun with the same rate of fire (1800 shots / minute) was not anywhere in the world. However, the ShKAS had other advantages: in particular, the machine gun was relatively light and compact. It is noteworthy that for proper operation of the weapons it had developed a special, more reliable cartridges with solid walls and a reinforced fastening of the bullet in its cartridge case and the percussion cap in the socket of the sleeve.
True or beautiful legend?
considering all above mentioned features of the gun and especially its rate of fire, the story of Boris Shpitalny, which was published in the may issue of the Tula newspaper “Kommunar” in 1965, does not seem so fantastic. Excerpts from the lead article in his book “Soviet aircraft 1941-1991” Alexander Shirokorad, and Anatoly Tarasov. The hospital argued that the Soviet soldiers who took Berlin and broke into the office of the Reich, saw a covered with a glass cover ShKAS. When the gun was documents, and in particular Hitler’s order that the machine gun will be placed under the glass, while the German gunsmiths will not exceed the Russian.
the Germans really failed to make a machine with the same rate of fire. Despite this fact, reliable evidence of the episode, voiced by Boris Shpitalny, does not exist to this day. However, the views of historians on this rotationdo divided. So, Evgeny Shumilov, the author of the book “the City on Others. 1760-2000. Historical chronicle” considers the history of the glass globe a reality. But Alexander Shirokorad, the author of many books on artillery and military equipment, suggests that the designer simply made up. But even if it is just a beautiful legend, the gorgeous gun ShKAS without a doubt worthy of it.
Yulia Popova
© Russian Seven
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