What kind of independent state was created by Belarusians during the German occupation

History 22/02/20 Some independent state was created by Belarusians during the German occupation of

To control Belarus occupied by the Germans divided its territory into 9 districts (Gabitov), each of which was led by the German gebietskommissar and administration. Gevity in turn divided into smaller parts, where life proceeded under the supervision of the head of the local community. Most often, these positions occupied by the person, offended by the Soviet power.

In December 1943, the occupiers agreed to the creation of the Belarusian Central Rada. The Germans were forced to flirt with the Belarusian nationalists due to military setbacks and increasing pressure from the guerrillas.

the history of the Republic of Belarus

On the basis of the organization “Belarusian Union”, which was directed by collaborator physician Antonovich, was established “the Union of men of trust,” headed by former assessor of the Polish Sejm Yuri Sobolewski. From July 1943, the Union officially advised the administration of the Commissariat of “Belarus”. Sobolev managed to get Commissioner Wilhelm Kube to provide Belarusians economic and political independence, military and foreign policy remained, of course, the responsibility of the occupants.

Cuba has managed to bring the project to life, he was killed by partisans, but the new Commissioner SS General curt von Gottberg in December 1943, approved by the Belarusian Central Rada. The basis of the organization was the “Belarusian Union” and the being before that in the underground independence party.

the Statute of the new government stated that it is the organ of self-government of the Belarusian people and is to oversee social, cultural and educational spheres of society. The main objective of Rada is to mobilise all forces for the complete destruction of the Bolsheviks.

the Activities of Parliament

the President chose Radoslaw Ostrovsky – SR, who before the war lived in Poland, and after the beginning of the controlwlal administrations of Minsk, Bryansk, Mogilev. It the Nazis planned to appoint the mayor of Moscow after the occupation of the city. President Ostrovsky summon the Germans promise that they will support the creation of the Belarusian armed forces, who will fight only on the territory of Belarus.

the Germans had hoped. Hands of the Belarusian collaborators, they were hoping to deal with the local guerrillas, and during a full-scale offensive of the Soviet army was going to strengthen the units of the Wehrmacht. The President and the government first initiated the formation of national armed forces under the name of Belarusian home defence.

in Total, the army recorded 75 thousand people, but 40 thousand were sent home for lack of weapons. The remaining 35 thousand divided by 60 battalions of 600 men each. In parallel with the arrangement of the army held elections to the Parliament, to which each district of the Republic were sent to elected representatives.

At the first meeting decided to support the idea of Belarusian independence and declared the illegality of the division of the country between the poles and the Bolsheviks, was also confirmed by the resolutions, which were adopted by Parliament in 1918. Legally, the independence of Belarus, which in fact was a vassal of Germany, was proclaimed 27 June 1944.

Flight West

In July 1944 due to the advance of the red Army, the Germans had deployed armed forces of the Republic in Germany. There they formed the 1st Belarusian division, 2nd assault brigade and the SS-brigade “Zigling”. Brigade perished fighting on the Eastern front, and the division sent to Italy in 1945 surrendered to the Americans – half of the collaborators have transferred then in the USSR, where they are for the treason was in the GULAG.

Deputies did not associate themselves with the people they organized to fight Bolshevism. In July 1944 2 thousands of deputies and officials of the Republic fled to the West. After the war, 60% of them settled in Canada and West Germany, OSTcial or killed as criminals was extradited to the Soviet side.

Alexander Brazhnik

© Russian Seven

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