History 21/01/20 What kamikaze pilots were preparing for the last flight
In one of the military-historical museums of Japan kept the note with these words: “Today, the fate of our country in my hands. We are the defenders of our country. You can forget me when I’m gone, but please, live better than you were before. Don’t worry and cheer up”. Left her a Lieutenant of the Imperial force Shunsuke Tomiyasu. However, these letters look like words left each kamikaze before the last flight. But the tradition required not only to leave a memory of themselves, but also to take…
Samurai blade
melee weapons was a companion of the real Japanese warrior. However, it is difficult to establish what exactly – in fact, samurai traditions of the intended use of the different types of blades (including ritual), depending on the situation. But the swords and daggers that took the pilots on the last flight, of course, have not survived, but photos of the kamikaze rare and uninformative.
In the final verses, often referred to kosumosu (we have more known as a tanto), but, as suggested by Yuri Ivanov, the author of the work “Kamikaze: the pilots of the bombers. Japanese self-sacrifice during the Pacific war”, most likely this is a lyrical distortion of reality or a rare exception. In 1944-1945, the Japanese industry was too battered by the war, to consume the metal and production capacity for the production of ritual blades. And in the photo, kamikaze is most often seen with conventional military swords of sin-gunto.
Hatimaki and senninbari
a Mandatory attribute of the kamikaze was hatimaki. The so-called white headband with a red circle – the sun. Usually it also struck a Patriotic inscription: “must win!” “Seven lives for the Emperor!” etc.
But senninbari – “belt of a thousand stitches” was not at all. This ritual at thedarok ahead of time preparing for the pilot, his mother, sister or lover. They took to the streets and asked the counter girls, preferably young and innocent – make a stitch on the belt. Even for two or three months, which were spent on preparation of the kamikaze, not everyone was able to get a thousand stitches.
Amulets and talismans
However, how to tell Rikihei Inoguchi and Tadashi Nakajima in his book “the Divine wind”, in environment of suicide pilots was distributed to various mascots. They took with them on the last flight, what is called “luck”. No, not in order to survive, the pilots were hoping that the charms will help them to find purpose and to accomplish your divine mission. Mascots are usually sent to relatives by buying them in Shinto and Buddhist temples. It was chrysalis, scrolls with prayers, figures of cranes, kites.
In flight with his wife
there are cases when pilots take flight ashes or locks of their children. relatives or friends who also dreamed of becoming suicide bombers, but died, not waiting in the wings. Thus, as it were, fulfilled the dream of the deceased. But the most unique case occurred after Emperor Hirohito signed the instrument of surrender. Then the group of suicide, not wishing to accept defeat, decided to carry out their mission. It tells the Frederick Sherman in the book “War in the Pacific. Aircraft carriers in combat,” one of the pilots Tetsuo Taniguchi took the last flight of his wife Asako. For a long time this case was considered beautiful legend, but the accuracy of the facts was confirmed by representatives of the Japanese armed forces in 1957. Family Tetsuo and Asako got death certificates and monetary compensation.
Yaroslav Gorbunov
© Russian Seven
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