Biography 21/12/19 frame of filmactor known about the ancestors of Victor Tsoi
the Leader of group “Cinema” was and is still quite an extraordinary rock performer. And it’s not just the undoubted talent of Viktor Tsoi, but in its origin. Ancestors of Choi came from Korea, that’s why the people of this country and to this day I think of a singer’s.
the Smuggler from Bon Choi
As rightly noted by the author of the book “Salpuri” Svetlana Lubenets, Koreans have a rather limited number of names. One of the most common of them is the surname of Choi, which translated into Russian sounds like “peak” or “height”. The name bona has 23 or kind. The ancestors of the legendary singer was born in the South Korean city of Wonju (Gangwon province). Therefore, the same name was given to it Bon.
However, according to historian Dmitry Shin, who had devoted much time to the study of the roots of Viktor Tsoi, the great-grandfather of singer Choi Yong Nam was born in Sondzhin in 1893. Then Sondzhin was only a small fishing village located on the shore of the sea of Japan. Alexander zhitinsky, the author of the biographical edition of “Choi”, reports on the availability of information that the great-grandfather of the singer were engaged in smuggling. Anyway, another 14-year-old boy, Choi Yong-Nam in search of a better life moved to permanent residence in Vladivostok.
a primary school Teacher and a member of the NKVD
home of Choi Yong Nam and never returned. The exile came the Korean soul. Especially because, as he writes in his book “Viktor Tsoi and his Kino” Vitaly Kalgin, in Russia Choi Yong-Nam met his only wife Anna V. Yugay. Soon after the wedding the couple had two children: son Choi, the Son of the Dunes, which in the Russian manner called Maxim, and a daughter Hope. By the way, Maxim received local and middle name: Maksimovic. However, there is evidence that he was called and Maxim Petrovich.
Is marketit that Maxim Maximovich Tsoi was not less bright than the leader of the famous rock group “Kino”. If you believe the Ten San DIN, President of the Foundation of the Soviet Koreans, he studied with Maxim Tsoi at philological faculty of pedagogical University Korean at the Kzyl-Orda. After that, Maxim Maximovich 3 years I worked as a primary school teacher, then for 15 years served in the NKVD. But it was already in Kzyl-Orda.
the Leningrad engineer
By the way, in Kazakhstan, Maxim Tsoi and his wife, Russified Korean Kim Hye Dan (also a singer), was not according to his will. A few months later after the wedding the spouses Choi and other Koreans deported from the Far East to Central Asia. So the newly made family and ended up in Kzyl-Orda. There was born and the children of the CPA, including Robert, future father of Russian rock stars.
Subsequently, Robert moved from Kazakhstan to the distant Leningrad. In the Northern capital Choi Sr. received higher education and got a job as an engineer. As he writes in his book “the Mystery of the deaths of Russian poets” Marina kuropatkina, soon Robert Maksimovich, like his brother George, married a Russian girl. Valentina taught physical education in high school. In this same school, as the authors of the publication “Viktor Tsoi: poems, documents, memoirs” Marianna Tsoy, Aleksandr zhitinsky, in 1968 went famous rock musician.
Yulia Popova
© Russian Seven
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