History 09/01/20 What are the facts about the secret of robber bands in the USSR
the image of the Basmachi as heavily armed Asians in turbans and long robes, imposed by the inhabitant of the Soviet cinema, was not true, as evidenced by historical documents, which are published in the USSR in the 60-ies. However, many features of basmachestva as a protest movement wide publicity and prefer not to betray.
Naked thugs
According to Vasmer etymological dictionary, the term “Basmachi” comes from the Turkic word “Basma” (“RAID”), a semantic interpretation of the social status – “robber, robber”. However, not always these raiders were armed.
the materials of the book “history of the civil war in the USSR. Documents and materials. Foreign military intervention and civil war in Central Asia and Kazakhstan”, stated that in 1919-1920 in fights of the red Army against the Basmachi in Ferghana valley, often as trophies of the red army were taken only a few rifles. So at the end of one of the battles with 23 rebels were killed was the only one Mosin, two Berdan rifle and as many hunting rifles. On the last day of 1920 in the district of the Kyrgyz city Sulukta the red army defeated the Basmachi squad, killing over a hundred people. They were armed with five trehlineykami, several Berdan rifle, revolvers and smooth-bore rifles.
“Basmachi” came up red?
Escaped from Turkestan in the age of 20 in Afghanistan Abdulhamid Kochar (at the time of the conversation with the Uzbek researcher topics basmachestva Bakhtiyar Shakhnazarov elders turned 100 years old) said “Basmachi” is a “project” the Russian, who carried out the forcible Sovietization of Turkestan.
According to Kochar, the emissaries of the Soviet government was specifically dressed up of representatives sympathetic to the new government farmers “under Basmachi” and sent to night robberies homes of ordinary people. The old-timers assured: the bulk of the rebels of Central Asia were fighters for national liberation, not bandits – they were protesting against the requisitioning and confiscation of property of farmers.
There collaborated with the Nazis
the authors of the historical studies Alexander Pylev (“Basmachi in Central Asia: ethno-political aspects (a view from the XXI century)”), and Ilyas Daudi (“the Great game in Afghanistan”) described the history of life and struggle against Soviet power, one of the leaders of Turkestan basmachestva Mahmud-Bey (Cursormania), in 1921, emigrated to Afghanistan.
Mahmud-Bey, whose squad is in the early 20-ies were squeezed out by the red Army on the territory of Northern Afghanistan, left on Soviet territory extensive network of agents. Received from a whistleblower information he sold to foreign intelligence agencies, thereby having acquired a decent fortune. The Nazis at the beginning of the great Patriotic war attracted there to cooperate as head of the spy organization Abwehr “Union.” The expansion of the spy network and the recruitment of agents in the Soviet Union he was given a large sum. Subsequently, the Abwehr instructed Mahmud-Bey training subversive groups to be dropped into the Soviet Union.
Yuri Tikhonov in the book “Afghan war Stalin. The battle for Central Asia” wrote that Soviet intelligence was able to convert Mahmud-Bey, who for money was ready to serve any government. As a result of joint actions of the intelligence services of the USSR and the UK managed to paralyze the German and Japanese intelligence in Afghanistan. The Afghan government after the victories of the Soviet Army at Stalingrad and Kursk eliminated in the country agents of the Abwehr and Japan.
Operated and after the Civil war
Basmachi as an organized movement ceased to exist only 1938 with the death of the last leader-kurbashi Junaid Khan, who tried from Afghanistan to lead the detachments of the Basmachi, who in 30 years has repeatedly made willaskand the territory of Soviet Turkmenistan.
Nicholas Syromyatnikov
© Russian Seven
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