History 13/01/20 Waha Aliyev: what happened to the Chechen man, who threatened Stalin
it is still unknown how the 14-year-old Waha Aliyev appeared at the front. Most likely, the teenager just lied about my age. However, even more surprising seems the fact that Aliyev had the courage to write a letter to Stalin himself. Yes, a bold one, that Vahe was seriously threatened with the death penalty. And only thanks to a happy coincidence, and the intercession of fellow soldiers Aliev was alive.
“Son of squadron” and the fatal letter
When the Great Patriotic war, Vahe Aliev was barely 14. Despite such a young age, the teenager struggled to the front. And he did it. Aliev started to fight on the Caucasian front. About that period of life wahi remembered war Hero, author of the book “From the Terek river to the Elbe”, Movlid Visaitov. The boy had a chance to participate in the liberation of Belarus and the Baltic States, in legendary Stalingrad and Kursk battles. Perhaps Waha Aliyev together with his companions came to Berlin or, at least, would win free. But fate turned out differently. In 1944, Aliyev as enemy of the people, was arrested by SMERSH.
the Soldiers, who are affectionately called “son’s of the squadron” he wondered what could be guilty Waha said. It is no wonder that he sent a letter to Stalin, Waha did not tell anyone. To take this step, Aliyev pushed the message from the relatives. In 1944, the younger brother Vahe wrote about the deportation of the Chechens and Ingush for aiding the Nazi invaders. Eviction and were members of the Aliyev family. Volodya’s indignation knew no bounds. In desperation, he grabbed the pencil.
the Threat of Stalin and the sentence
Waha Aliyev poured on paper what he thought about the “father of Nations” and his “methods.” Aliyev was indignant, how it is possible to consider as enemies those who are dying with him every day. “Thousands of my countrymen were left lying in the fields thvalues from Brest to Stalingrad,” wrote “son of the squadron”. Despite this, Stalin, according to wahi, believed himself and his relatives as traitors. Aliyev claimed that while the Chechens had shed blood for the Motherland, the leader dealt with their mothers, sisters, children, the elderly back home. “My people will never forgive you!”,— promised Aliyev. It is noteworthy that the act of a young Chechen can be read even in textbooks. A good example is “the Course of Soviet history 1941-1991 years” under the editorship of Sokolov and Tyazhelnikov.
a few months Wahoo Aliyev was sent to Magadan. Volodya stood up comrades, otherwise his death would not be avoided: in fact, the sentence had already been handed down. Finally, Aliyev was released only after Stalin’s death in 1954. The last months of the conclusion of the Waha worked in the camp as a medical assistant. It was then that he realized that he wanted to devote his life to medicine. Moreover, Aliyev continued to disturb the shrapnel stuck in his body during one and the fighting.
After the release
After the liberation Waha Aliyev came to relatives in Kyrgyzstan. After the deportation of the Aliyev family lived there. Soon Waha together with your loved ones back home. He and dreamed, he graduated from North Ossetian medical school and became a doctor. The younger brother of Aliyev, who told him the fateful news to the front, also has dedicated his life to medicine.
Despite the fact that the war years left behind, Waha Amirovich never forgot his fellow soldiers, which, in fact, saved his life. For many years he searched for them throughout the country. An intimate friend Aliyev managed to meet only in the 1970s. However, the joy was short-lived. In 1979 Waha Aliyev died. One of the reasons for the premature death of Aliyev and was the same fragment.
Yulia Popova
© Russian Seven
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