Victor Konyaev: how many enemies has won the best "melee" in the red Army

Heroes 03/02/20 Victor Konyaev: how many enemies has won the best “melee” in the red Army

another Famous Lermontov “Russian battle is fine, our hand to hand combat” frightened not only the French of Napoleon, but the Germans in the great Patriotic war. Soviet spy Victor Konyaev could give odds to the heroes of films-blockbusters – on account of his 70 defeated in close combat the Nazis.

“Voroshilovsky shooter”

Victor Konyaev went to war in August 1942, a year before draft age. 17-year-old boy considered himself quite ready for front-line routine. Even while studying at a vocational school, he received a lapel badge “Voroshilovsky shooter”. And hardly could have imagined that the ability to shoot it will be for the main at the front.

at First the horse appeared in the machine-gun calculation. In January 1943, during the battle for the Caucasus, he received the first wound. When a month later the guy was discharged from the hospital, the command identified him as scout 248-th separate reconnaissance company of the 302 infantry division (later called Tarnopolsky). This unit Konyaev did not leave until the end of the war. For the first time as a scout, he distinguished himself in a small country in Northern Ossetia. In the composition of the 1st and 4th Ukrainian fronts Konyaev liberated Ukraine, fought on the Vistula and in Silesia, and victory Day met near Prague.

Fearless scout

War frontline scouts – not like the other fighters. Where the infantryman is in a hurry to open fire, the scout must act silently. This means that he has to beat the enemy not only with a bayonet, but sometimes a fist. Victor Konyaev was not afraid to break into the location of the Germans and join the melee, even if the enemy had a numerical superiority. In the area of the Kiselevka settlement in the Donbass September 6, 1943, the horse at the head of the reconnaissance group penetrated the German trench and killed three of the Nazis. And September 25, during isDivadelni attacks he went to the nest of the enemy and single-handedly crushed her – for it Konyaev received the order of the red Star.

on 1 April 1944 at Tarnopol, once again in the trenches of the Germans, the scout killed three enemies to get the valuable documents. Another fascist was captured alive and shared with the Russian important information. For this successful operation Konyaev was awarded the order of Glory 3rd degree.

Another feat of the soldier was made in may 1944 near the station of Denisov. Close to the front edge of the German defense, the horse attacked the enemy. One Nazi was killed and another taken prisoner. Destroying dozens of Germans, the horse may have been revenge for his older brother Alexander, who died in 1943. However, the primary objective of exploration was the production of “languages”. 11 soldiers and officers of the Wehrmacht Konyaev captured person.

Deprived of a star

the Famous spy Konyaeva growing day by day. They say that when in one battle he was wounded, the telephone number of the chief of the field hospital were ringing off the hook. At the time of delivery Konyaeva of the order of Glory 1st degree in 1944 Sergeant were already the commander of the intelligence branch.

Victor Konyaev could become a Hero of the Soviet Union. August 18, 1944, his infantry division was in Poland, on the banks of the San river. Here the enemy had no information. Numerous machine-gun emplacements of the Germans, hidden in the forest, were not allowed close exploration. To capture the “language” was only the group Konyaeva, however, he then received another wound. On 26 August the division commander Colonel Nikolay Kucherenko signed representation about awarding of the scout Konyaeva star of the Hero.

“During my service in the company he proved himself as a very brave, determined, not considered with any conditions, put always before you the same thing: “the Task must be completed”, — Kucherenko characterized his subordinate (the style of the document is saved).

However, the superiors, for whatever reason, nothave derjala this initiative, limiting the awarding of fighter another order.

After the war, Victor Konyaev worked in the steel industry. Until the end of days he lived in his native Vladikavkaz, an honorary citizen of which was. Full cavalier of the order of Glory died, in 2016.

Timur Sagdiyev

© Russian Seven

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