Vasily Margelov: as the "father" of the airborne forces captured 3 elite division of the Hitler

History 21/01/20 Vasily Margelov: as the “father” of the airborne forces captured 3 elite division of the Hitler

Vasily Filippovich Margelov known primarily as the Creator and commander of the airborne forces. No wonder desantura is ironic nickname of “troops of uncle Vasya”. Does this, by the way, without any offense, it was the famous “uncle Bob” – a man hoo, as demonstrated during the Russo-Finnish, and later the great Patriotic war. Take, for example, the case of captivity described in the book by Alexander and Vitaly Margelov “Marine No 1 army General Margelov”.

Not to allow to go unpunished

All who had the opportunity to serve with Mr. Margelov, remember that the person he was dashing and brave, but prudent and smart. It tells Boris Kostin in the book “Margelov”, my life that is not particularly valued, but even the most desperate deeds were done well pre-weighing them. This and his supposed recklessness often achieved the desired psychological effect. What happened on 12 may 1945. The war at that time is actually over, but on the border of Austria and Czechoslovakia were remnants of German divisions: the tank “Dead Heads” “great Germany” and “First police division of the SS”.

Part one of two actively participated in the fighting on the Eastern front, where he made a lot of war crimes against the civilian population. Even neraskrytye, but encircled the Germans wanted to break into the territory of Austria in the American zone of occupation – as did their more fortunate comrades. And to surrender there, because of the atrocities committed in the USSR, they didn’t exactly expecting a warm welcome. This goal is not to allow the enemy to escape responsibility – and were confronted by Vasily Margelov was his 49th guards SD.

an Offer you can’t refuse

a Cornered enemy in the face of death was capable of desperate resistance. The General understood this as nICTE another, and therefore did not want to allow bloodshed. Moreover, his soldiers already were counting on a speedy return home. To solve the problem Margelov decided alone, or rather almost alone, taking with him only the officers, armed with grenades and machine guns and a battery of 57-mm guns. Arriving to the headquarters of the enemy, the commander ordered to bring the guns on the headquarters, and to “blow to hell” if after 10 minutes he comes back. He himself went to negotiate.

However, in the full sense of the word of the negotiations was not – it was all a Soviet General. He invited the Germans to surrender, lay down their arms. Otherwise, they can expect complete destruction, and start Margelov plans of the headquarters, which is under the gun cannons. Time to think Vasily Filippovich gave a little – while his smoldering cigarette. Such audacity stunned the Germans, it seemed that the General was bluffing. The psychological effect was achieved.

So without firing a shot Margelov captured more than 32-thousand well-armed group of Germans, among whom were 2 generals and more than 800 officers, Also, among the trophies was almost 80 tanks, more than a hundred guns, fifty mortars.

they Say that in this case Margelov was entrusted with the high honour to command, a combined regiment of the 2nd Ukrainian front at the Moscow Victory Parade.

Yaroslav Gorbunov

© Russian Seven

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